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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Uh, yeah...whatever.
  2. Non-proliferation and counter proliferation are amongst the highest DoD priorities, and are very heavily funded. The process is what takes time, it's not a question of funding. Senator Kerry is way off the mark.
  3. If I know Darlene, she's already running the place. Hang in there Cindy. You got lots of good memories in there. And there damn sure ain't nothing wrong with crying from time to time. Treat the both of you to a nice anniversary dinner. Have a nice glass of wine with it. Talk to him. He misses you too.
  4. 27 Years ago today I was teaching young Army LT's Armored Cavalry tactics and tank gunnery. You got the prayer. If it makes you feel any better (or, maybe worse? ) he's got one hell of a good looking blonde to hang out with.
  5. Abduhl Ay Sayef?
  6. I was always so po'd when they made us leave our airconditioners and tv sets behind when we went camping. And those nasty old rifles get in the way of everything. And the food? It took a good two days to get a decent filet.
  7. That anything like a quickie?
  8. I still chuckle over the potatoes.
  9. Woahhhhhhh.....slippery slope ahead.
  10. Thank you.
  11. Do you do windows too?
  12. You forgot protocol. You are supposed to skip 4.
  13. So, stevestojan, Just as background I'm pretty well concerned foremost with Defense. What does Kerry have to offer?
  14. Well, at best I'll guess there is no opinion. At the norm, it doesn't fit John Kerry anything is better than Bush. Not an easy question, is it? And y'all understand the issues so well. Just another chance. Tenny, Debbie, BRH...anybody? And not invading Iraq is not going to wash. You either pick your poison now, or let your kids eat it.
  15. You're trying to interject REASON into this? stevestojan has made his mind up, so have most of the rest of us, and if somehow he doesn't get something he'll ask his sister. We'll all banter about with each other. Anyway, I'm still pis$ed about the vioxx thing. that is some really good stevestojan. Just because a couple people had a stroke shouldn't mean I can't have mine. I'll take risk of stroke over pain most days.
  16. Mock=Eryn? Let me PM Aussie.
  17. Yes, crass was spelled properly.
  18. I thought we were going to discuss National Defense?
  19. PC. TV. Backwoods morons gets no offended press. A DC politician used the term "Niggardly" and was forced to resign. No one bothered to check Websters. Some folks just ride along.
  20. Well go back, and consolidate your opinion then!
  21. I know Bud, we've read each other a thousand times. Just laughing about all of it. FWIW, you aren't going to hear much tonight that's true.
  22. Hey, works for me.
  23. LOL. !@#$ing Libs DO have a sense of humor. Welcome to the party.
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