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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Is this more Darin Cowbell?
  2. You forgot to add that it was a judgement predominantly specific to Seattle, heavily democrat. I don't personally care, really don't, don't have a dog in the fight, but this is a manipulative effort. The republicans will counter. I'm very uncomfortable with any election going into the courts. Didn't have this phenom at this degree before algore. You rabid Dem folks sure have done a lot to assist the process. Why not follow the Colorado model? Lot's of conservative republicans voted dem on the local/state ticket, and vice versa? Let the chips fall. The only time you are in the least concerned with outcomes is when a democrat might lose. People are never disinfranchised when they vote republican. They're just stupid. Everyone knows they meant to press D. Looks so much like an R.
  3. So would a number one treble hook.
  4. Does this involve double A batts? I'm real good with that + - thing.
  5. Who am I to talk, I just put down a Bob Woodward and splashed a Yak.
  6. It's called "Bait". You were planning a fishing trip, weren't you?
  7. That involves work, initiative and effort. Three forbidden words within much of our society.
  8. You two need help.
  9. Does being this bitter actually help you in any way? I use not caring about anything. It burns less.
  10. I'm picturing the "pop". With the finger in the cheek.
  11. One way or another, brain fart. I don't think the guy was trying to hurt him, split seconds and poor judgement on technique. But some folks here will defend a basketball player to death for jumping into the stands to whoop on short fat beer drinking people. Gotta have game.
  12. Anyone Cuban know anything about football? I've been invited to interviews so there was someone there when the prime candidate came in. Was never said, but I know it. Screw a bunch of PC crap. Hire the best available person who will take the job. Works at Mickey D's, should work for the NFL. The longer folks keep pushing this "equality" issue, the longer there will be a problem. I'm not saying it's not there, but one does not remove it by force focusing on it.
  13. How often does the Pentagon get to pick a war?
  14. How come everyone says "we" when talking about the Bills? I know I never suited up for them. "We" refers to us as a Nation, I think. GWB is the Commander in Chief. Let me see a show of hands of all of those who think this doesn't affect him, or anyone else involved, at a personal level? I just spent the entire day at the Pentagon. I'll be there all day tomorrow too. I can pretty well guarantee you that there isn't a cavalier attitude over there towards any of this. Most people over there who actually do anything real and accountable spend some awfully long days and have the weight of their interpretations and decisions on their shoulders. Not a single person I was working with today has not personally experienced combat, whether wearing a uniform or a business suit. Plus, get it out of your heads that the only thing people over there are thinking about is Iraq. There's a lot of world out there. And a lot going on. If you want to continue to use every vignette that pops into the media to portray the overall, have at it. I'm certain you will get plenty more. Signed: A has been wannabe who has never been quoted on the news (by name) and has no idea of what he is talking about. A fellow poster said so, so it must be true.
  15. We'll see... (OK, have I been gracious enough now?)
  16. I never thought it would be. Should be a great game. Two good teams that could have used better starts, but it's water under the bridge, now. Still think Bills by 17, though. We'll see. I don't play for them, don't coach them either. Y'all shouldn't have put Spikes on the cork board. He has some back up help. Should be a good game.
  17. That one was weak.
  18. You cheat? Sometimes blows the heads off.
  19. See you in October.
  20. I always liked the third lap on FOX. Just listen to the cars.
  21. Hey, I just gave a thought to the DTV gal.
  22. "Sated" the Redhead? Cool.
  23. You're thinking about the episode where she was tied face down on the bed. Dirty Man.
  24. I'll stick by Bills by 17.
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