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Everything posted by The_Real

  1. Most Used Pick Up Lines By Moe Wanchuk 1. Hi, my name is Moe. I'm happy to meet you! Can't you tell? 2. It's cold outside. How about if I use your thighs as earmuffs? 3. Your place or mine or in the back room of the Palm Isle? 4. I'm a necropheliac. How well do you play dead? 5. Nice jugs. Mind if I touch them? 6. Are those little rocks under that blouse? 7. No, that's not a souvenir hockey stick in my pocket. t-r
  2. I'm thinking a banner of him promoting for Terrapin Station is in need. Maybe a big fake joint like the one in the cheech and chong movie. t-r
  3. Dude, you guys telling him to bang her friends is the WORST advice. It'll be fun and all, but the fury of a woman scorn is not being put into play here. I've been in such a situation and the ex all of a sudden still loves you, but is going to kill you and her. No good sleep for weeks with this scenario. Start fresh. Trust me. t-r
  4. You went off the charts with Moe Wanchuk.
  5. There has got to be a million different things we can do to torture this guy for the rest of his career. There is a chance he'll be traded or that he won't come back, but if he does in week 5 after his suspension is lifted I am going to personally have as much fun with the guy as I can. Any suggestions other than the bong? I think this will be a fun topic. t-r
  6. She retired three years ago after a short stint in the CFL. Didn't have the heart anymore. She even apologized to the fans. t-r
  7. Opening day LT. Who's it going to be? Gandy? t-r
  8. Great read. I felt good about our city for 5 minutes. t-r
  9. 3 tries and I got it down to one.
  10. Why did my parents MAKE me eat liver? What's the deal with that? No one can SERIOUSLY enjoy the taste of liver. Nasty t-r
  11. GREAT movie!!! Richie Cunningham does a great job of recreating the Great Depression. Also, even if you aren't a boxing fan, you find yourself with goosebumps hoping that the 'good guy' wins. Movie of the year, imo. t-r
  12. Fox doesn't do a fair or accurate job of passing the news in my opinion. Though in this instance I think the news is worthy of national recognition. How many people here have been to Aruba? How many people view it as some exotic hot spot? How many people would consider going there on vacation? Now take an innocent, all be it beautiful, 17 year old girl on vacation who gets murdered by a group of boys. Do you still feel like that's a safe place to send your kids for graduation? Do you feel like it would be okay to let your wife or daughter walk the beach there at night? No way in my opinion, and I think that information is important to Americans. It's important to me. T-R
  13. God bless that little guy. t-r
  14. The funny thing about it is all the stuff I found out later. I'm not including any of it as it may just be that I dated a 'generous lover'. I can't proclaim that ALL women are this way. SOME ARE and you have to be ready to handle that. You'll never see it coming due to the fact that you are a man. Is it me or are girls way better at being sneaky? t-r
  15. I Just want you to hear this pre move in because you have to take the good with the bad. Maybe I am the only one who has had problems, but somehow I doubt it. Here is a few from my most recent disaster from last year. Two years into a relationship and 25 years old, I thought I had found the perfect girl. Beautiful, Intelligent, similar interests and really my best friend. Gave me space as i did of her. Always enjoyed each others time and made the most of it. Eventually, we both found jobs in NYC moved together and the HELL began. First, the toilet seat thing is ridiculous. I follow the rules and all, but sometimes guys forget. Not on purpose, but it happens. For me it happens alot. Not on purpose but usually after I'm done I flush wash my hands and grab another beer. It's kind of a routine. That is no reason to freak out. Am I allowed to yell when her make up/beauty products/pictures/magazines/clothes/books are scattered about at 6:00 am when I have to be at work at 8:00 and can't find my DAMN socks? Second, get prepared to watch alot of things you don't like. I was forced to sit on the couch atleast once a week, when there were two tv's in the house and watch some silly program that she deemed appropriate. There was baseball. There were movies we could rent or go see. WE LIVED IN NYC for heaven's sake!!! The only time we could leave the house was for me to buy something that had to have or to do something that she liked? (Big Mets fan, bought tickets to go to shea 10 times, she wouldn't go with me once. Loved the Bills, but hated baseball and wouldn't compromise). Third, you will take on the more substantial financial burden and I don't mean by a little. You are expected to "go the extra mile" way more often then she is. Fourth, Secrets. You think you have secrets because you are still friends with that girl you dated in college. Although you may not call each other or live on the same continent, you emailing her makes you feel like it will make her mad so you keep that information all to yourself. Meanwhile, the secrets she's piling up are absolutely astonomical. MOST IMPORTANTLY, she is going to go through every single thing you have ever owned. She's gonna smell it. She's gonna study it. She's gonna taste it. She's gonna send it to the lab for testing. Seriously. Then she is going to accuse you of looking at every pretty girl that is with in 5 miles of where ever you are. Now I'm 26 man and I as much as I'd like to believe I have it all figured out, I know there is ALOT out there I still want to experience. At 22, you have to believe you have alot more to go out there and experience for yourself. I am not a hater and if you really love this women, by all means take the plunge. Just know that you guys are going to want to rip each other's throats out at times and you'd better be willing to deal with that. t-r One last thing, lock your computer. The night before Thanksgiving I didn't lock my computer. Those old emails from my friend that she found 'on accident' led her to want to go in different directions. Chris, my replacement who had been hand chosen before my demise, helped me move out 4 days before Christmas. They're engaged. Anyone have a story they'd like to share?
  16. That is some deep stuff right there. That one smacked me upside the face. t-r
  17. I was listening to Simon this morning and they were discussing how a hockey draft would be handled. They mentioned something about a lottery situation and teams that haven't made the playoffs or had the first pick having better odds at getting the number one. Isn't that the Sabres? I think they said we'd have the highest odds along with the Rangers and Blackhawks. Anyone know if that's accurate? I only make mention of this because I would be incredibily excited if we got to select the Crosby kid. People are calling him the next Gretzky and I would give an arm to have someone of that caliber playing at HSBC every night. "Crosby clears the blue line, PRETTY move in traffic, slides it to Vanek. HE SCORES!!! Top shelf were momma hides the COOKIES!!" A man can dream can't he? t-r
  18. I have a book of good ones, tell me if you want some more.
  19. What team did Mike Gandy play his first NFL game for and against? In what year did Andre Reed catch the most passes in his NFL career? How many?
  20. Priceless and oh so true t-r
  21. I actually think that was the funniest thing Mike ever said. The guy McBride may have taken a couple too many shots to the nugget. Just my opinion. T-R
  22. The funniest thing I have heard in a long time. I don't know how to post it from here, but it's on ESPN motion from the ESPN website. "You ain't talking as tough as your buddy with the pinky ring" Watch it, it's PRICELESS. t-r
  23. The league has to try new things and expanding the goal is just one of numerous ideas. I think that it is a good idea if you are going to allow goaltenders to wear padding making their bodies double in size. Marty Biron for example weighs about 150 lbs. With his pads on he looks about 70 lbs heavier. I don't know if the idea is good or bad, but taking different approaches to try and open up the game is a good thing. If it were up to me, I'd say leave the nets the same size and shrink the pad sizes. Also, take the Red line out. Speed up the game. t-r
  24. Crowe is really good in the movie. I went to see it last night and it was one of the best movies I have seen in a really long time. Through out the whole movie you get a really good feel for how tough the great depression was. Could you imagine in the dead of winter the power company turning your heat off? Crowe may be a prick, but he acts his ass off in this movie. I walked away from the theatre feeling really good. It's an instant classic to me. t-r
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