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Everything posted by The_Real

  1. Talonz, I'm telling you it's not my lack of chronic that made me post this. It's months of bad attitudes and inconsiderate crap. These guys are a joke. Seriously
  2. I think he's classless. We are the people that give him a job. If we stopped listening to him maybe they'd can him. Can we start a petition?
  3. I believe that on this board there are many intelligent fans of sports. I believe there are even more intelligent human beings. I am so tired of the horse sh!@ that WGR makes it's fans go through. Today, some older gentlemen from ohio calls in to tell Mike Schopp that there couldn't be a balk in little league baseball because players aren't allowed to lead off. I played little league and know that to be true. As you get older yes, but 10/11 year old kids can't steal bases. Schopp disagrees and basically hangs up on the guy. He was an older guy just calling to talk sports and the arrogant d!C#@ead Schopp treats him like a piece of garbage. I think that's just wrong. I think it was the biggest hunk of crap I've ever heard on the radio. I seriously wanted to slap him. Couple this with the rumors they create with Bills players and their bad working relationship with the Bills and there you have a recipe for the worst sports talk radio show in the world. Yet, if you are a sports fan in Buffalo what are your alternatives to listen to Sports talk. WNSA was my favorite by far. They were informative and they took the time to reflect on the fans opinions. These clowns are just rude inconsiderate pricks. So, what would I have to do to start a 5 hour show in buffalo on an existing radio station or create my own station? How expensive would it be and who's with me? I'm dead serious. Being a part of the media isn't what I want and I don't want to be on the air, I just want serious sports talk for the serious fans with out the garbage that WGR puts us through. What do you guys think? t-r I think this is going to be my project away from the bong. I'm 100% serious and willing to spend some money to do it, so seriously I would love any information you might have. Thanks for your time.
  4. I agree that Buffalo in not a 'tourist hotspot', but they will get alot of business from out of towners traveling the 90. People in Syracuse aren't exactly able to promote the city either, hell it's more a hole in the wall than Buffalo. However, I can tell you that all of the people I know like to stop in to turning stone and play. Niagara Falls is a tourist hot spot in a way that Buffalo can never be, I agree. Yet, out of town dollars will be spent there by travelers who need a good night sleep and are looking for some quick entertainment.
  5. I already have, but I will not release my militia until I'm ready to take over wny. The time is near my friend, the time is near. t-r
  6. Hey Cablelady, I'll come if you bring my girlfrie---- errr your daughter. t-r What time are you guys going to get there?
  7. Oh yeah, VIVE LA CASINO!!!!
  8. You are looking at the short term of building the casino hoser. The area benefits greatly by the addition of 500 jobs. However, this argument is old. I disagree so just agree to disagree. When nothing changes except an extra thing to do on friday night for US LOCALS, we'll see who complains.
  10. I have a vaporizer. It always made the whacky taste funny in my opinion. Any one else notice this?
  11. I'm sorry man. I am an argumentative jerk and I really don't mean to be. You are knoweldgeable about a lot of things, I just disagree with you on this issue. Read my LAMP, I'm going through a tough little time here. Again, I'm sorry if I offended you. T_R
  12. Brad Riter, is that you?
  13. Wing nut, you don't even live in Western New York? Wow, pretty insane to make an argument from Florida about local issues.
  14. Wing nut the all knowing. You are so far off that you just sound like you want to be a negative factor. Let's just break this down simply. I make 800 dollars roughly a week. I eat out twice a week. I go see a movie once a week. I go out once a week. Roughly 150-175 I spend IN THE COMMUNITY. The rest goes to bills and such. Multiply that by 500-600 employees who work at the Casino. Multiply that by the 3 (soon to be 4) casinos in WNY. Where do you think our money goes? Roughly 12 million given back to the community last year from the Casino in Niagara falls from their split of the profits from slot machines. Whether or not local goverment spends that money wisely HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CASINO. Why are you blaming the Native American business because our local goverment misuses funds? If the employees spend money in the community and the Native Americans are taxed a percentage of their earnings, how can you tell me nothing comes back to the community? Recreational activities are not and should not be limited because you think it's unfair that the Native Americans are given a bigger piece of the action. If you want to be mad at local government because they are going to waste their share fo the money on unimportant b.s programs, then take your issue up with them. Stop creating your petty arguments to explain why a casino is bad in Buffalo. If some guy wants to blow his paycheck on a poker game, he was more than likely going to do it ONLINE before the casinos ever came to western new york or in an underground game. Underground games have existed for 50 years. This gives good people like myself a job. You may not recognize the Casino as a good business, but stop pretending you understand ecomics better than I do. Obviously with Casinos going up all over the United States, something makes sense economically. Even if it doesn't to you. t-r
  15. Todd you are a funny guy. 9 times out of 10 I read your posts and laugh my arse off. Thanks by the way.
  16. Correct. I have been smoking for a long time and most of my friends are local growers.
  17. I seriously do understand exactly what you are talking about. I am just on the other side of the fence because I'm a dealer. I make my money on gamblers and from my first hand view point most of them aren't nickel and dimers. Most of them will bring more than a couple hundred dollars to play with. First hand, I'd say 95% of players are over 50. 50/50 split of men to women. Most of them together. I think it is a form of entertainment just like going to a show, concert or an amusement park. On average how much do you spend to bring the family to Darien Lake? 4 tickets, parking and a meal and you are well over 200 dollars. Play some games to win a teddy bear and ride the go carts now you are at 300 dollars. I'm not trying to compare the two like it's fair, because it's not and I do understand your point. My point is I don't think anyone should have the right to determine against something that they believe their opinion proves. If you aren't a gambler and you see someone throw their money away, it sucks, I'll admit it. However, every dealer there has a mouth to feed. With out that job how would they do it? You are talking about morality when in fact you are dealing with someone's career. I don't agree with strip clubs so can we close them? I think Religion is a farce and people throw their money away to pay for the priests new Cadillac, so can we close them? I think Car salesman lie through their teeth to make you spend your hard earned money, so can we close car dealerships? Speaking of, our local government has been raping us for YEARS, can we just close city hall? Health Insurance is the biggest scandal of them all, can we close it down? Life is unfair. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but their are other angles aside from your own that matter. Would you feel okay telling 500-600 trained professionals that your morality prevents them from employment? t-r
  18. Is this really Brad Riter or some schmuck pretending? No offense if it is really you, I'm just curious.
  19. As a side note, I'd like to say I think the government in WNY is absolute crap and they have made about 50 million mistakes. The mistakes started 35 years ago and it's a downward spiral. If it doesn't work then it's cake on my face as well as theirs. I'm just willing to open my arms and embrace a proven winner. Casinos make money and that is precisely what wny needs. Something that makes money.
  20. What you have just laid out pretty much sounds like a tax to me. Correct me if I'm wrong but if NYS gets a cut of the action and the County gets a cut of the action, how are they not benefitting? You can disect this argument to validate your points the same way I have, but the point of the matter is, CASINOS ARE PROFITABLE. If Pataki and his cronies hadn't of done what they had, where would the 2 or 3 million dollars have been generated from? It wouldn't have.
  21. Look, you have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever even been to a Casino? Most of the players there are old enough to remember the first Roosevelt. Further, if some schmuck wants to gamble away his 200 dollar paycheck I for one am not going to feel bad for him. It's like when dummies go out on friday night and spend all of their money getting drunk and impressing women. Do you feel bad for those people? If the answer is yes, you're missing a couple tall boys in your six pack. I've said this once already and I'll say it again, don't come. Tell all of your friends and family what a horrible idea the casinos are and see if they listen. I'll be willing to bet I'm dealing some of them pocket aces on friday night. The thing that amazes me about this argument is what has Buffalo become? What are you guys trying to save? Everything in the area is failing so why not give something, that has been proven to be succesful, a chance? Do you hear anyone in Niagara Falls complaining?
  22. Sadly, I'm 100% sure that that is certain to happen.
  23. Incorrect they do pay taxes. If you'd like I'll generate a link to prove it, but they do pay taxes. I'm 100% certain of it. As a matter of fact there Niagara falls and Niagara county are fighting over there tax dollars. t-r
  24. How is the Casino bad because it's big and shiny? Dude, get out of your hole.
  25. When was the last really nice art expose at the Gallery? I have a friend who works there and even he is dissappointed with the lack of commitment by them to push for more attractions. A great art gallery doesn't stay great with out constant attention being given to it. One year I went to the Art Gallery 7 times. Nothing changed once since then and nothing has drawn me back. Delaware park was great with Shakespeare in the park. Aside from that it has a dirty water hole with some grass. Nice park, but nothing to write home about. I won't argue against the zoo, it's educational, the first time. Yet what have they done to improve or even stay at even par since 1987? Elmwood has an artistic sense to it. It's my favorite place in the city. A nice coffee shop. Chippewa is a hot spot for alcholism and bad behavior. Classy fun usually lasts until about 2 am, then the fights start. Not to mention having to hang with the 18 year old party squad. Gin Mills? Come on man you are kidding with that one right? Historical sights? You ever go to the Buffalo Central Terminal? If you feel safe on the East side of Buffalo you are a strong strong man. Granted there is history in Buffalo, but you are watching a city die before your very eyes. The food is good, but it's good in Chicago or New York or Pittsburgh the same way. I thought Buffalo was as good as gets, but that's a facade that you'll soon bury as soon as you leave Buffalo. Nice people exist everywhere. I love the people here, but you just have to look for nice people and you can find them anywhere. Every city has history. Buffalo isn't the only one with history. Not to sound like a jerk, but have you ever left Buffalo? There is alot to discover. The Casino won't overshadow anything. It will become another part of it. People who go to the Falls to shop and see the sights still do exactly that. They just have an EXTRA draw with the casino which doesn't hurt anything. Niagara Falls is a prime example of the positves, why pretend they don't exist? Why make a negative? You should be happy that anyone wants to bring business to this city or to New York for that matter.
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