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Everything posted by The_Real

  2. He supposedly kills puppies.
  3. Swear to god I was just reading that and was going to post it myself. What a great quote and vote of confidence from McGahee. Let's just hope it's true. T_R
  4. 1. Under 2. Over 3. Under 4. Under 5. Under 6. Under 7. Under
  5. I remember, I would still rather have them 0-1 then 1-0. That does make sense right?
  6. What do you suggest then? This city has problems man and they aren't getting any better. Problems are everywhere but you want these people to remain optimistic? This city's people are good and as fans they are top notch. The food here is amazing and there is a diverse artistic community. But dude the city and all of it's problems suck. Go Bills. t-r
  7. I've danced to that song a thousand times. I've got a huge smile on my face right now. Man, I love football. A few more days T_R
  8. That's why they play the game. This season should be a whole lot of fun. T_R
  9. 17-10 Bills. Two touchdowns by Willis and a chipshot field goal. Losman looks like a deer in headlights but the defense is strong enough to limit the Texans to 10 points. Willis is the story here with 115+ yards and two touchdowns. Book it. T_R
  10. I'd like to meet some of the people from this board out for a drink or something and watch the Patriots game. If anyone is sitting on their can and feels like watching it somewhere I'm in. I live 5 minutes from the stadium and 15 from the city. Anybody? t-r
  11. I don't care how they do it just get it done. An opening night loss for the patriots would be the best thing any AFC team could ask for. Put them on an uphill climb from day one. I doubt it but man it would be nice. t-r
  12. No question give the ball to McGahee the first two plays. After that base your thirddown on positioning. Yet you have to start out pounding the ball. Everything that we hope to accomplish this year starts with the run. 1,800 and 18 touchdowns. t-r
  13. First things first, Sack Marino, I was unable to get to the game last week and for that I owe you a favor. I know you asked for a program from the game and I feel horrible I was unable to attend. I didn't even realize it until I this morning. Again, IOU. Anyways, does anyone have a ticket to this weeks game they'd like to sell? I can go with a couple of guys I know, but they get drunk and act retarded. I'd rather sit by myself or with Cable Lady's daughter. Seriously, anyone got one? T_R
  14. I have been too busy to get online the last few days except for a few minutes at night. I haven't seen his name metntioned and I want to know if he is gone or if you guys think he'll make the team? I thought he had serious game and the ability to put a good lick on. Anyone know the status? t-r
  15. You couldn't sound like a bigger tool if you tried. Fuggin Butt
  16. You guys kick total ass. I worked a 12 hour day on my birthday and it sucked. Coming on this board with all you guys make it fuggin excellent. Seriously, thank you so much. T-R
  17. He is buried in Miami Florida and I have visited him numerous times. I know that he died in October of 1980 and was in the military. He grew up in NYC on the upper West side. The death certificate said that it was a homicide and that he was shot. That is seriously all I know about my father for sure.
  18. I did get a response from the newspaper but I think it was auto generated. I also wrote to VA as suggested and again tried to contact the District Attorney's office. The problem is I don't know the person's name that committed the act against him. The case has been searched twice and I am yet to find anything. I've printed/sent the form for the VA but they expect a time table of 4-6 weeks before I'll hear anything. Is there a database of all criminal cases in the united states? Even if it's not online I'd take the time to write for it. Anything? t-r
  19. I thought this was a humor post but you are serious. With out a question Moulds is the man in Buffalo. I still think he's a top 6 wr in the game. While Lee Evans has shown he may be something really special, he still isn't the player Moulds is.... .... .. Yet. T_R
  20. Any one girl in the world, I'd choose her. Over and over again.
  21. Look at my avatar. It's Milla Jovovich with a friendly shirt on inviting viewers.
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