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Everything posted by The_Real

  1. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Pets are the best. t-r
  2. I didn't stiff you guys at all. I posted you earlier that I got a free ticket Sunday morning. SDS, when you didn't bring that ticket on Saturday night I told everyone I knew that if they had a ticket give me a call. My mom talked to my aunt who talked to my uncle and he had an extra and his was free! I was worried you guys may not have had the ticket on Sunday and I didn't want to get down there and be S.O.L. I'm sorry if you took offense that there was non intended. Next time we can exchange phone numbers and you can call me. Again sorry.
  3. I had some crap to do and I had to run. You left for a few minutes and I was really in a hurry. I caught SDS on the way out.
  4. Listen I understand exactly what you are saying. He's not the leader of class by approaching Largent for his number. However, he's the best of all time. I think in his mind that gives him extra liberties amongst players. It's not like he was disrespectful about it. He respected Largent. When you or I think about #80 for the Seahawks we aren't going to think J. Rice. What's the issue with a guy going out of the league wearing the number he had his whole career? Respecting Largent is acknowledging his accomplishments. Wearing his number doesn't subtract from that. If it was seriously that big of an issue why did the organization allow it? I think you are making more of this then need be. T_R
  5. JoeSixPack and SDS are really good guys. Thanks for introducing me to everyone. You guys took some time and I appreciate that. SDS, nice to meet the creator of this site. You do a tremendous job and I appreciate it. Next time let me buy you a drink for your troubles. Boo Yankees boo Phillies. Mets in '06 T_R
  6. Listen, Steve Largent was a fantastic WR and it's not like he had a problem with it. "He just told me, ‘Jerry, if you want to wear the #80, you have my blessing'," said Rice at his press conference Tuesday. "When he said that it sent chills through my body, because I know what he has done for this city, and when you think about the Seattle Seahawks you think about Steve Largent. For him to just say that without any hesitation, that I could wear his jersey, that meant the world to me.” Jerry Rice press conference http://www.seahawks.com/ardisplay.aspx?ID=4692&SecID=29 It wasn't like Drew Haddad asking him, it was Jerry Rice. The best wide out in the history of Football approaches Largent to wear the jersey so he can continue his leagacy as #80. Largent immediately understands and respects Jerry and says ok. There was mutual respect amongst them and I don't see the issue. The number on your back doesn't change the name above it. t-r
  7. Thank you
  8. Wankers cause we don't like em thick?
  9. Uhhhhhhhhhh....... uhhhhhhhhhhhh...... ummmmmmmmmmm....... rotlmao
  10. Right? Who cares? This board is my homepage as well as my favorite site. Not just because of football but the people here are real. They tell you when you suck and when don't. Did I mention the football knowledge here is fantastic? Other sites don't really cut it for me. You'll hear so much trash it's boring to even read anymore. The worst is the ESPN board. Absolute crap. T_R
  11. Talonz I owe you a beer or something man. That is the best fuggin picture I have ever seen. I have been cleaning drool of off the keyboard for about 10 minutes. Holy....
  12. Listen here folks, this game is going to be alot tougher than you guys think it is. Everyone here seems to think our #1 Defense and happy foot quarterback are going to go down there and spank the hell out of the Bucs and I don't see that happening. Cadillac is the real deal. Fresh legs with a huge full back to lead the way. He alone scares me offensively. Not to mention a good group of recievers. Galloway and Clayton are a nice combo. That defense is no joke either. Derrick Brooks is a STUD linebacker and has been for 4 or 5 years. S. Rice off the corner is going to give fits to Gandy all day long. If our boy J.P doesn't watch his blind side he may have problems staying off the turf. I hope we win but I'm not betting on it just quite yet. Our defense should do a pretty good job of shutting down there offense but there defense could really shut us down if Willis doesn't get off early. Tough game guys. T_R
  13. He'll get his due. Whether in a magazine or online people in the NFL realize what he's done with this defense. He'll be the next defensive coordinator with a job on a rebuilding team. Book it. t-r
  14. So it is or it isn't? Happy birthday err not err.... T_R
  15. My uncle had a freebie that I got dibs on at about 8:30 this morning. Sorry I wasn't able to come and get down with you guys. It was nice to finally put a face behind the folks I met on Saturday at Danny's. Great game. Who the hell is that guy at quarterback for the Bills? I didn't see that kid once in the preseason. Holy crap he looked much better than I had anticipated. Next up, Tampa Bay. t-r
  16. I'm 27. Am I the youngest guy there? Not that it matters I'm just curious. Err. Well,. Uhh.. yeah later. tr
  17. I'm pretty excited to meet all of you guys. How many people show up? t-r
  18. Dinner or just drinks?
  19. Who is your guess? 123 yards, 2 td's Willis McGahee. t-r
  20. First things, first I hate Miami as much as I hate the Pats as much as I hate the Jets and used to hate the colts. No suspension or lessening of the aforementioned will ever happen. No way, no how. Second, If I am understanding you right, the Patriots suck as bad as your girlfriend sucking on a chicken bone that made you horny? I don't know what that means. t-r
  21. My sentiments exactly. t-r
  22. Peter errr Tom Brady, everyones favorite player is a pud. He however does make great reads and throw terrific passes. I'd B word slap him at the first opportunity. I'd also take him on my team over any qb in the league aside from the older Manning. Good player but hate the team, hence hate the player. Simple really.
  23. We are Bills fans and in my opinion that gives us the right to slam the pats whenever we feel like it. If they were in the NFC west I garauntee you wouldn't here so much crap from Bills fans. I think you and all the other people who say this should get thicker skin. They win Superbowls. Tom Brady is always the MVP of that team. Guess what, BRADY SUCKS!!!! PATS SUCK!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! T_R
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