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Everything posted by The_Real

  1. I'm glad you're a ghost i'd hate to have to talk to BiB.
  2. We got problems. Here is some random thoughts. Feel free to respond, add or disagree. First, the draft. Let's face it guys, the offensive line is as big a gamble in the first round as a qb. Forget Offensive linemen right now and let the new gm find adequate replacements via free agency. One of the knocks on Tom Donahoe is he's never done anything to vastly improve the line on either side of the ball. Hopefully the new GM reads his que cards and doesn't make those same mistakes. Mike Williams has been the biggest disappointment since Erik Flowers. I steam everytime I think about umpteen million dollars going to the largest waste of talent in Bills history. All of the selections to make in that draft and we get the big bust. Hence, my opinion on drafting any OL in the first round. In todays NFL, you have to play rookies. Having a liability on the offensive line is the last thing J.P needs to worry about. I'd rather the Bills went in a different direction.I hope that the Bills spend their first pick this year on the defense. Their first pick should be the best defensive tackle available. If things work out right Ngata will not go until mid 1st round and we can trade down for the pick. If things don't work out with him I think Orien Harris from Miami will fit the position as well if Ngata is picked. In the second round take the best player available to fill your needs. Either a DL, OT, DB, or WR. If we do trade down and pick up a second 2nd rounder that should give us 4 draft choices in rounds 2 and 3. Maybe take one of each of those positions aforementioned. Via Free agency You need to get two premier offensive lineman. McGahee and Losman could be a great tandem but you'll never know with out adequate protection. Address the Offensive line and you will see big changes. If you decide to cut Eric Moulds, you must replace him with a very strong WR. I see the argument both ways to keep him and to let him go. 11 million against the cap this year is just insane. However he's the longest tenured Buffalo Bill and has stayed here his whole career. Either side of the coin, he is the best wr on the roster. If he goes, you need a fitting replacement. I'd kill to take a shot at Reggie Wayne this year. He and Lee Evans with Roscoe in the slot is hella fast. One more thing. Mularkey isn't the right choice for this organization. We need a leader. Someone who is vocal and steps up to the plate to lead his team. Takes criticism for losses and never redirects it at his players. No more of these DC or OC who we are giving a chance to. We need an established leader. Fossil, JJ, Ditka, Levy or whoever. Just make hims a good leader with strong character and a backbone. thoughts.... T_R
  3. What a bag of fuggin whiners you are. We won, be happy and stfu. God. T_R
  4. Sorry but the pens just have crappy goaltending and defense. They are MIGHTY GOOD offensively. ALthough you are right. Another strong top 4 or 5 defensemen would be key. Someone who could clear the front of the net. Ed Jovanoski would be ideal but that chit ain't ever gonna happen. We aren't that bad though. Really we aren't. And if Kalinan comes back to form with some rest we could be mighty good on the blueline. T_R
  5. What are you talking about? We are top 10 in all defensive categories. We have the number one shot blocking defensemen in hockey, the #3 assist defensemen in hockey and guys playing shut down everywhere. Not to harp but do you even watch the games? Some times they get smoked but that's true to every team in the league right now. You take obstruction out and give players wide open ice it's bound to happen. Silliest post in a while. Actually made me log in just to defend the goatlords. T-R
  6. Takeo is the man. I've heard about the endless hours of work this guy puts in, but that new ESPN article about him gave me goose bumps. If this guy comes back to play at the same level there isn't a guy in the NFL that deserves it more. I hope he makes it to the playoffs next year. I have a feeling he's going to pimp smack a lot of biatches next year. Fun. If not anything, I am excited to see him on the field next year. The_Real.
  7. First off, you lumping everyone in my initial post together. Mike Williams and McGahee are with out Pro bowl appearances. Sam Adams and Nate Clements have been their once with the Bills and Eric hasn't been there in two years. If you the fan think they shouldn't care about what we think of them, you are the reasons professional sports suck. Play for their teammates is nonsense. Do they pay their salaries or is it the fans sitting out in the stands in 5 degree weather any given sunday? If you think a professional athlete has the right to overlook what the fan base of a team thinks, I think that's bad judgement by you as a fan. Second, if I work in any other job in america and I say I'm unhappy there and start to create turmoil with in the work place 9 out of 10 times I'm a goner. Again, if you think being a baby at work is acceptable, bad judgement. No one always has it good at their job. We all struggle. Only difference is you or I aren't paid millions of dollars. Finally, you contradict your own reasoning by saying they should play for THEIR team. It's YOUR team, yada yada yada. Well under that way of thinking Mike Mularkey is YOUR coach. They have not played for THEIR coach or THEIR team at all. You think Willis looked proffessional laughing it up when Nate Clements was obviously distraught in Miami? Or was Eric Moulds being a good teammate listening to headsets at halftime because he was upset LE had 3 tds and he had none? Not showing up for team meetings the following day? T_R
  8. Stop the insanity man. You have to wait and see what JP does with atleast an AVERAGE offensive line. This thread should be closed. t-r
  9. Frickin Moorman, it's like he gets the ball in his hands and all he can think to do is kick it. What a wuss. Definitely not J.P, Reed, Schobel, Evans, Fletch, Crowell, special teams, Milloy or Kelsay. I'll be okay with out Clements, fat mike, Adams and Moulds and even MCGAHEE. None of them care about this team or it's fans. I'm disappointed in the laxadasical effort these guys put into football. They are dead wood in my opinion. The only thing with McGahee is that I think he's just frustrated. I don't know if he really gave up or if he's just pissed. Any clue? T_R
  10. *crickets chirping*
  11. Call me a fair weather fan if you must but I can't handle any more of the type of games we've had this year. Whether it's the close one in New England to the Blow out in San Diego to the debacle from yesterday my heart can't take it anymore. Don't get me wrong I live and die with the Bills but I'm dead right now. I'll be excited again in the spring come draft time but for now I have to walk away from this team for a few weeks. Do any of you guys feel this way? I'm probabily exaggerating a little bit but NOT MUCH. I can't even think about this team with out getting totally pissed off at them. The only one I'm not mad at is J.P honestly. Here are my list of guys pissing me off. Nate Clements- I'm not going into the battle of whether or not he can play corner in this league. He can. We all know it. However, he isn't worth what he's going to try and command so he'll have to go. If he would of just shut his mouth in September no one would have put such lofty expectations on his shoulders. 71 tackles. 1 interception. Not worth 62 million dollars. He's been smoked too frequently this year. Mike Williams- He's a friggin mess. I don't want him on this team unless he plays for a 6th of his current salary. He's a disgrace to this football team. Willis McGahee- Intelligence of a rock and plays with no heart. He couldn't care less about what team he played for and it's a shame. Eric Moulds- Using the media is the easiest way to get a one way ticket out of town. Forget the rumors about his decline. Dude has game. Tom Clements/Mike Mularkey- Worst playcalling in football. Couldn't make a strong call on a jv football squad. 3rd and 10 and a F!@##*@ JP draw? My god man. Tom Donahoe- I don't hate him like many others here, but he has to be accountable for the worst offensive/defensive lines in Football. It's time for me to step back and breathe. T_R
  12. He's having a career day. LITERALLY. I'm so happy to see this guy succeed. Go bills. T-R
  13. I'd like a bills win. Thank you. T_R
  14. My Babies Momma
  15. Actually, I think the more distinct the name the more memorable it is. Kaia is only hard for you to spell because you don't have that name. and KEEEA and Kaia are completely different names. Thanks for the input though. Your help was monumental. tr
  16. Thanks Guys!!! I have been stressing about life alot lately and not been posting much. I'll see if I can't remedy that in the upcoming months. Cable lady you can be auntie. My mom is more excited than any two people you or I know. Her first grandchild and she's so excited. t-r
  17. Type in the word Failure and hit I'm feeling lucky. Priceless I tell you. t-r
  18. Thanks I really do appreciate that. Only problem with that is: a) Conventional wisdom of family says Ma & Pa with the kids. That I won't ever be and it makes me feel like I'm starting off on the wrong foot. b) I fear I'll be single for the rest of my life. Who in the hell wants a guy with a kid? Even if he is SEXY as a mutha focker. t-r
  19. I'm not going to marry her. Maybe not ever. We just aren't the best of friends and that's what I need out of my forever partner. If I felt she was that I would of married her months ago. That's a big reason I got off the drugs and alcohol. I thought it was what was killing our friendship/relationship. Go figure, it's just because she bitches so damn much! If I can work things out with her and be the father I hope to be then I will. If I can't I'll just be the most supportive father I can be. t-r I know, I'm a loser.
  20. Not one yet and that's the most beautiful girl in the world. Have you seen the 5th element. Resident evil? t-r
  21. I dun't no wut yer terying 2 sey, butt i dont aperecate it. fugin joksters!! t-r
  22. Kai Ya is how it sounds. I like the spelling Kaya but jamaican people use the word for pot and I don't want that affiliation if I don't have to. As for being a parent, the majority of the reading I've found just says be there as much as possible. Don't be a push over but don't be to hard. Never swear or fight in front of them. Oh yeah, I'm pregnant.
  23. MadBuffalo, Your quote is histerical. I laughed hard when I read it.
  24. I did my research on names and fell in love with that one and Leila. The mother won't have leila though so I'll take what I can get. Kaia is latin for Mother Earth. It's strong and unique. Just what I'm hoping for from my little girl. t-r
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