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Phil Indablanc

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Everything posted by Phil Indablanc

  1. AP Watertown NY 7:15PM 11/26/2006 Police have quelled a riot that broke out at the home of an NFL fan that sent several people to a local hospital for various cuts and bruises. There were twenty seven arrests mostly for disorderly conduct and public intoxication . "We got the call at 3:15PM" said Police Chief Lawrence Frazier. Apparently the home owner had inadverdently posted a blanket invitation to other fans when it was learned that their teams football game was going to be blacked out. Over two hundered team suppporters showed up. Frazier said "when we got there it was sheer bedlam. Furniture was crashing through windows, cars had been overturned, and there were chicken wings everywhere." Eyewitnesses said that the large crowd was generally well behaved for most of the game. The trouble began when one guest identified only as "LSI Cadet" made the comment "Losman equals RJ" or something to that effect. After that the melee broke out and ended only when Swat teams arrived and began firing tear gas. The home owner (who asked to not be identified pending an insurance investigation) was quoted as saying "I really don't understand how this happened. They are usually a very well mannered and good natured group." Despite the trouble the remaining fans who stayed through the tear gas left in the few vehicles that survided chanting GOOOOO BILLLLLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Just a little humor poking fun at an old overdrawn out thread. Go Bills
  3. The hell with Wiley. I'm curious to see how Mike Williams plays.
  4. Probably will be leaving early.
  5. AP Watertown NY 7:15PM 11/26/2006 Police have quelled a riot that broke out at the home of an NFL fan that sent several people to a local hospital for various cuts and bruises. There were twenty seven arrests mostly for disorderly conduct and public intoxication . "We got the call at 3:15PM" said Police Chief Lawrence Frazier. Apparently the home owner had inadverdently posted a blanket invitation to other fans when it was learned that their teams football game was going to be blacked out. Over two hundered team suppporters showed up. Frazier said "when we got there it was sheer bedlam. Furniture was crashing through windows, cars had been overturned, and there were chicken wings everywhere." Eyewitnesses said that the large crowd was generally well behaved for most of the game. The trouble began when one guest identified only as "LSI Cadet" made the comment "Losman equals RJ" or something to that effect. After that the melee broke out and ended only when Swat teams arrived and began firing tear gas. The home owner (who asked to not be identified pending an insurance investigation) was quoted as saying "I really don't understand how this happened. They are usually a very well mannered and good natured group."
  6. It's bizarre that Miami is not in there.
  7. Dead on. It's called grooming.
  8. Crap! I knew I had some clones somewhere. Stupid paternity tests. Either way I am of one mind with you with the exception of dissing anyone who has served in the US military. I sleep better at night for their brave efforts. GO BILLS
  9. Spoken like a man with some experience.
  10. Dilbert: "Have you ever noticed that there is too much communiction in the world today?" Dogbert: "Yes. Every day about this time."
  11. I think that was Eve's line.
  12. Only 4.38% of the days in the year include a Bills game and this is one of them. Just like Adam when he first saw Eve, "Look out honey! I don't know how big this thing is gonna get!!!"
  13. I thought they meant Lou Piccone
  14. I agree. And me too.
  15. "A linebacker to replace Fletcher and Spikes." Thats gonna have to be some kind of linebacker!!!!!
  16. I'm with you CL. Every experience is a learning experience unlesss you get killed. The Bills are a better team for this game. Go Bills!!!!
  17. so lonely....
  18. You know that I am of one mind with you. Go Bills!!!
  19. In a stunning revalation written in todays "Hollywood Insider Magazine" the comedy team of Frez and Phil has announced that they will be splitting up. Frez said "While I have always enjoyed working with Phil I feel that I need to explore new opportunities and continue my growth process as an artist". A mutual friend of Frez and Phil (who wished to remain anonymous) said that the split was inevitable due to Phils inability to kick the skank whore addiction that has plagued him for most of his career. Paris Hilton's press secretary refused to comment when asked about the comedy teams demise.
  20. Let's face it SB. We are all going to need a sense of humor going in to this game. Nobody will be happier than me to see a win but I have always relied on humor to relieve the stress of being a Bills fan. Good luck to the Bills today and good luck to you and all my fellow TBD'ers. GO BILLS!!!!!!
  21. How 'bout it Frez? Laurel and Hardy, Abbot and Costello, and Frez and Phil?
  22. Yo SB. So was I.
  23. Marv and Dick won't let that happen. They both have way too much savvy and experience to let this team look past Indy for next weeks game. "This is a dangerous Colt team right now" said Levy at a recent press conference. Added Jauron "ours is an experienced squad that knows we have to take it one game at a time." The read on Bills fan sites mirror these sentiments.
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