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Phil Indablanc

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Everything posted by Phil Indablanc

  1. Nate Odomes. Yeah, Nate Odomes. Signed a free agent contract with Seattle. Tore his medial collateral ligament in a charity pickup up basket ball game. Yeah, basket ball. June 12, 1994. Partly cloudy, 67 degrees. Yeah 67 degrees. Judge Wapner is on now. l
  2. Marv may be old but he is definetly not stupid. I have it on good authority that both he and Ralph voted for Lincoln.
  3. Willis has a breakout year in 2007, Marv slaps a franchise tag, then deals him.
  4. "...but I do not think analysis of the game by game results supports that idea. A more real attempt to try to analyze this difference may be found in looking at the game by game." ??????????????????
  5. As long as you know that the K-gun was not named for Jim Kelly welcome aboard. I've been through that too many times. Once again welcome.
  6. ...and cough it up then blame the OL.
  7. Dilbert: Have you ever noticed that there is too much communication in the world today? Dogbert: Yes. Everyday at about this time.
  8. Reuters: 2/4/2007 11:52 PM The coin toss to open the Superbowl was marred when Dan Marino, Hall of fame quarterback and former Miami Dolphin inadvertently overthrew the coin past the circle of players and officials who had gathered at center field. The coin struck the lens of a camera that was filming the event and bounced out of bounds. The camera man who asked not to be identified said "After he flicked it I lost it in the lights and the next thing I know I hear a 'ping' and my lens shattered." When asked later about the toss Dan Marino said "The official who handed me the coin did not place it squarely in my hand as he should have. I made the best of a bad situation and got the toss off cleanly. The fact that the circle of players was unable to move to the play is no reflection on my coin tossing skills. Thats a play that they have to make".
  9. Ugh. I'm so freaking old!!!! Jets over Baltimore.
  10. I happened to be there when Thurman told Marv that he would like him to be his presenter if he ever made it to the Hall of Fame. Marv's reply (and I quote)... "Thurman, there is no need for you to languish with these vexacious prognostications. Your attainment of the penultimate goal of all NFL players is a fore drawn conclusion, a 'fait accompli' if you will. To think otherwise would be abberantly illogical and contraindicitive to the spirit and the purpose of the highly lauded and perspicacious selection committee."
  11. Only fried. For the sauce I use a base of Franks, a little red wine, half a stick of butter, nutmeg, garlic, black pepper, cayenne to taste. After cooking the sauce for about 20 min mix a little corn starch in water and add a little bit at a time until you hit the desired consistancy. If you want to be really formal serve the wings with a rib spreader.
  12. I agree but then again I don't. Hey!!!! Who broke all of my Prozacs in half?
  13. If he remembers leaving Harmon Hall with the Breakfast club, blowing on a piece of pipe to alert the ladies in the dining hall that we were there, and then roaring it's him. Fall of 1973. He was known as the "roarer from East Aurora". Let me know.
  14. I'll take it for 20
  15. New contract. For you and MadBuf. One year remaining. Rosen "hose". Self deluded to his skills. Moral questions. Dumb azz interviews. Mediocre production. Nobody would be more excited than me to get some serious value for him but I just don't think that it is likely.
  16. Trading for him also means trading for his contract. That's where his value diminishes.
  17. Knew a guy at Brockport that was a Siepierski. Name of Dennis.
  18. 6" 0" 190 Condom distributor to Willis and filing for bankruptcy.
  19. Mommy!!!! Make that man with the crown go away. He's scaring me.
  20. If memory serves me correct I think we defeated our first three superbowl opponents during the regular season. I am positive about the Giants and the first Cowboys
  21. So running at about 4.5%. I would be curious to hear from other locations (Besides Jupiter)
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