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Phil Indablanc

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Everything posted by Phil Indablanc

  1. Sounds like a "red" scare. On the other hand I guess most food establishments don't refrigerate it to the best of my knowledge.
  2. We do but I really don't know why. It is a national brand and does not say to refrigerate after opening.
  3. Saw it too. Not Busters best work but he was an incredible talent. I actually prefer his work to Chaplins. He must have been an accomplished athlete. Another person to check out if you like the genre is Harold Lloyd who I can proudly say that I am related to. Best film was "Safety Last".
  4. I believe in Karma. If you park in a handicap spot illegally you will surely need to do so eventually.
  5. Schedule release < annual "dinners on me" < NFL draft I'm in. One of my favorite highlights of the off season. Put the rules in stone when you can. Lay it out buddy and, I swear, you will be buying me dinner. GO BILLS
  6. Still pissed at only one prime time game. Bills 7-9 One Philly 8-8 Five
  7. Am I the only one pissed that we only got one national prime time game?
  8. Money back from both but I'm worried about next year as my son will be turning 17 soon. That thousand bucks made all the difference on the fed this year. BTW I used taxslayer.com and I would strongly recommend it to everybody. Easy to use and a grand total of $9.95 including efile for both fed and state. It took me about an hour to do the long form with itemized deductions.
  9. Agree about Huntsville. And it's too far for our Buffalo based roaming gnome anyway.
  10. You're probably thinking about the one in Huntsville Alabama. Great place if you happen to be in Huntsville but in about 2 hours the kids will be bored and in about 3 hours so will you.
  11. Looking at the photo linked below they should consider throwing away the key... http://sportsradio1350.com/cc-common/news/...article=3540608
  12. One of my personal favorites... "Brother Louie" by Stories I used to take guitar lessons from the lead guitar player (Steve Love) before this song came out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl5mcWf5Qws
  13. If its true then I scored a 174 on a recent IQ test despite the fact that I tanked the one I took a while back. Granted I used an independent private testing agency but the results are true none the less. Is anybody looking to hire this incredibly bright fellow? All high dollar offers will be considered.
  14. It's more like kicking ass in college and then taking an aptitude test at your first prospective employer, tanking it, and being offered less money.
  15. It does not get much play but if you want a bone chillin, scare the crap out of you flick watch the remake of "On The Beach". The original was good but the remake was very well done. A little bit of soap opera crap (women need movies too) but the premise is terrifying. Never in my adult (semi) life have I seen a more scary movie. The original was scary but this one is flat devastating. No ghosts, gremlins, murders or other such nonsense. Just some zhit that will REALLY scare you.
  16. I was in your buddies role a number of years back. I was the dumper and she was the dumpee. He was not a real close friend but a guy that hung out in our tribe. I really did not give a crap but just for giggles when he asked me I told him "That's cool. Just do me a favor. Let me know how I taste" Having "poisoned the well" so to speak they went nowhere. Good times
  17. If this is the series that originally had Lorne Green (of Bonanza fame) on it then I watched it a grand total of one minute. Somebody said that they "would not wait one more micron" and I discarded it as crap. Is it a newer rendition? Do I have it wrong? Please let me know because I like Scifi as much as the next nerd but I have my standards. Please feel free to rip but also inform.
  18. I liked the Deadliest Catch series and this is somewhat similar. If I'm gonna watch reality TV I prefer seeing people with a sack rather than some NYC/LA wuss worried about his hair. Thoughts???
  19. It would not surprise me. These are men playing a child's game and sometimes it is hard to get out of the playground if they are really having fun out there. I can think of no player in recent NFL history who enjoyed the game like Mr. Farve and for that he should be praised. The closest that I can remember is Montana and I think that he regrets the last year or two that he hung on. Bruce took a soft lick on him when he was with KC and JM made the statement to him after the sack that he was "getting to old for this zhit". If you want to do it Brett that is up to you. I just hope that should you decide to "do another one" you will not regret having not left earlier. If it works then great. If not you do not deserve the indignation of looking like a fallen hero looking for one last moment.
  20. Ain't that the truth.
  21. Perhaps. Depends where the barrel is pointed.
  22. "The shots that people associate with Films, those long, beautiful, super slo-mo shots of a spiraling football, the NFL Network people hate that," said a league executive familiar with the situation. "It's too slow for them." Yeah, I much prefer the "sonic the hedgehog" technique used by the networks during halftime highlights. Real professional.
  23. You are dead on for my recipe. Once in a while I shake things up a little and use Clamato rather than V8. Even if you believe that you would not like Clamato try it at least once. Most of you will be pleasantly surprised.
  24. A few random thoughts. 1. At the price per shot level I would certainly get my money worth. 2. Why does a digital camera need to click? 3. The reason it is called golf is because the words S*** and F*** were already taken
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