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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. Well I hope you guys take it but I gotta say, c'mon maaaaaaaaaaaan! the bills are #1. As a yankee/Michigan fan, I think i'd give up the last 4 world series victories and UMs national championship(although maybe not) to see the bills win the big one. I have a one-track bills mind.
  2. why not? are you offended by this stupidity?
  3. I hope ray doesnt eat Willis' acl for lunch. Also, shouldn't we just never start wilis against the pats, you know rodney harrison has been planning on how to cheap shot willis' knee for months.
  4. We were also picked by 4 out of 5 of those guys to win the pats game too, not to jinx us or anything.
  5. SHeesh, consecutive games now, give someone an inch, they want a mile. Never satisfied these bills fans. Can't we just enjoy a victory for a week sometime? Also, wtf is up with someone mentioning keith byars??? If we wasted a 1st round pick for a kieth byars clone im gonna throw up on my keyboard.
  6. amen brother I also agree that espnnews is vastly superior to just regular ole espn
  7. Colbert b/c he's facing san diego, but Moore is going to be splitting time this week it looks like, wait for later in the week to set your lineup onece you know what the deal with henry is.
  8. NFL deadline trades are extremely rare and with a few exceptions expect more of the same this year.
  9. you're nuts, don't do it, a good RB is twice as valuable as a good TE. If I were you Id look to upgrade and get a 1st or 2nd tier receiver for a RB. PLus, LJ Smith has been tearin' it up in philly this year,
  10. Ok, I wish people would stop making assinine suggestions like "lets trade our offense for the Rams kicker and their next 7 first rounders". Trading Clements and Henry is just completely unrealistic, if not just plain stupid. The way the NFL works these days it's difficult to pull off trades where both sides get acceptable deals. With that said, Clements bats that 1 ball down and all of the sudden he's the hero of the week around here. Theres a week between NFL games, and whilc I wish most of us fans would use it to get our collective heads on straight, most of us just spend it worrying and speculating about stupid bullstevestojan. ESPN.com: "Relax, they're gonna be a good team" random TBDer: "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!"
  11. and one former Bill got off in LA. Disclaimer: JOKES poeple, JOKES
  12. vaht to the tax raise, although i dont care, because despite living here, when you're a broke-ass college student, not much money is spent on taxable things. Also, no sales tax on hippie lettuce
  13. how about we slash all their Humvee tires and blame it on the patriots.
  14. My dog Charlie passed away last september after 15 solid years. It was rough losing a dog I'd had since I was 5, and much like the rest of you, even though I've recently obtained another dog, he's not Charlie. Charlie was an irreplaceable friend and I still miss him every day. He also hated squirrels.
  15. "After a game like this I'm gonna do a line of coke about thiiiiiiiis long when i get home"
  16. just make sure you hold onto chris brown
  17. Who else is goin'?
  18. HE SUCKS!!
  19. It's not like that roster was brimming with talent to start the season anyway.
  20. People lacking direction in their posts apparantly like it when the name "guest" in red ink appears next to them.
  21. I agree, except that there never was a day when Doug Flutie was fit to start in the league. The guy is nothing but a media whore, and he plays them like fiddle. There was a time when I too thought he was a gift from the gods, but after a while it became clear to me that doug flutie only cares about 1 thing, and that is doug flutie. Plus, he's an a$$holio: I ran into him during his last year with the bills while he was at Eastview Mall by himself, walking around and shopping bc he was injured while everyone else was at practice. To make a long story short he's not the nice guy everyone makes him out to be, the guy who cares about the fans first and foremost. Theres nothing I lov emore than when SD puts him in only to watch him struggle to play like the player he thinks he is, fail, then blame everyone else.
  22. I'm definately down with you on this one man, you're now officially the only cool OSU fan i know.
  23. It was a problem. Last game it didn't seem like we were bringing the blitz as much as we did against Jacksonville, maybe we were and it just got blocked or maybe we didn't blitz as much because we thought Gannon would make good reads. Either way, I don't think that Oaklands recievers outside of Porter are too threatening with their speed, so blitzes seem to me like a safe enough plan.
  24. I hate that guy bc my old roommate is an Eagles fan.
  25. Good analysis, I agree that our blitz pickup is HORRIBLE, but that is something that can be worked on. Our OL does need to get its stevestojan together though. Only error in the post I saw was that 2nd to last paragraph. The Raiders now run a 3-4 with Sapp playing as a DE. However, since 2 of their outside linebackers are former DE's drafted by the Raiders, I would hesitate to call it a true 3-4, where at most 1 player is usually a former DE.
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