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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. maybe the biggest 180 in the right direction.....
  2. my dad used to play/coach football at CM, i wonder if he knew that guy.
  3. It was that damn Travis/Antonio Brown I tell you. Clubhouse cancers they were.....
  4. im pretty damn good at everything but hockey where im slightly less tahn adequate. I dont know too many other people with 30 inch verticals who can also throw in the high 70's.
  5. depends on whos posting
  6. I can't see anybody's damn avatars and it's pissing me off.
  7. you sure seem to like those ohio state luckeyes
  8. his favorite is missionary.
  9. The only good thing I can say about Denney is "well at least he isn't erik flowers"
  10. actually, i forgot how much I hated their playing up this Kobe/Malone thing, wasn't there a time in sports when if this type of sh-- happenned, it stayed between the players or at least didn't get the press involved. Instead ESPN decides to play the role of Jerry Springer in the middle of all this nonsense.
  11. It's obvious to even the most casual observer that sportscenter is but a shadow of it's former self. I rarely watch it anymore, but in the last few weeks I've caught a few monday morning shows while watching for Bills highlights. To make a long story short, has anyone else noticed how mind blowingly absurd these human interest stories they run are? Even if the stories themselves are not absurd, the way they are presented to you by ESPN certainly is.
  12. no seriously, I think that he could be a lot more useful than he currently is. For instance he could be teh guy who holds stuff for mularkey while he ties his shoes, or gets towels and water for the other players, maybe have him get into a mock fight with the mascot for fan amusement. Maybe we could just use him to put stuff on, kind of like a portable fieldside table,Jerry Gray can hang his coat on Pucillo if he gets too warm or maybe he can sit there and hold peoples' drinks while they actually do things related to the game. Put J Mac on it right away. byt the end of the season ol' Jim will have mikey doin' back handsprings and dancing with the Jills.
  13. on that note i would like to mention that one pick i never really understood was our decision to draft angelo crowell last year in the 3rd round. We didnt really need a LB, but we took him and his blazing 4.75 speed(mind you Kelsay runs a 4.72). However he has been good on special teams. ALso, in the list of UDFA's, dont forget donahoe signed stamer last year.
  14. Im as worried about this game as I am about contracting ovarian cancer.
  15. Im going with my best friend but if he starts yelling while we have the ball(not too worried, the 2 of us have over 35 years of combined bills fan experience) then ill punch him, if not, ill probobly punch him anyhow. I just hope security doesn't come over on that one.
  16. just the fact that we're having this discussion is a good thing.
  17. Does anyone know of a place where you can download it online?
  18. Even if Jeff Garcia or Kelly Holcomb were starting, teh browns would be among the worst teams in teh league. It is this posters opinion that they don't have a single pro bowler on their active roster at the given moment and only a handful of guys who even merit B-list status.
  19. Jones.....injured half the year Winslow.....injured whole year McGahee.....didnt start until several weeks in I hope you picked some bigger name players as well.
  20. I'm not too worried about moulds, does anyone remember a few years ago when he made some comments about how he was considering an attempt at playing pro basketball or some sh--? Noone remembers it now just like noone cares if he leaves the locker room in miami early, if you're a bills player, just how much time would YOU want to spend in the visiting locker room at Pro Player Stadium. My guess is probobly not much more time than you'd have to.
  21. This really is one of the worst posts I've seen simply because of the title's stupidity. Rudy, whoever it was that said you remind them of tweak from south park really hit it dead on.
  22. He just got traded in our league last week.
  23. thats teh wierdest damn thing ive seen/heard all day. Even stranger than the demise of Dimebag Darrell.
  24. also recall that i dont think the texans scored a total of 20 points in that game cleveland is definatley gonna need more than that on sunday. Not to mention volek was in like his 4th year and Banks had starter experience. Luke McCown, the CRAPPIER brother of JOSH mccown and is A ROOKIE. ROOKIE backup qb + bad offensive line + putrid running game = Bills victory
  25. dunno, but i got tickets "na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"
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