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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. This is true, but I would hesitate to say that Clayton is having a beter year than Evans if you factor in the amount of PT each was getting in teh first few weeks. Also i dont think a single person on this board(or most experts for that matter) would say they thought Clayton will be a superior reciever.
  2. yeah i was a big brees fan in college too, he was rreally something. I was very disappointed that year when we chose Nate instead of him but things seem to have worked out.
  3. looks pretty sweet, i think i saw one at best buy once when i was in "a ricky state of mind" and really wanted to tool around with it.
  4. Yeah i bet tampa fans are real stoked that even though theyre not anywhere close to the team they were 2 years ago, they ahve a guy who can catch teh ball when forced into the #1 reciever spot.
  5. Incorrect, McGee was likely drafted for both reasons. He just didn't get many looks as a returner last year. McGee was among the most highly touted return men coming out of college.
  6. sticka fork in denver, they're done. Every year i watch those idiots try and put something together late in the season and like clockwork they always fall apart
  7. I remember the south park with satan and chris where Kenny went to hell and Cartman was preaching up on earth. Satan was singing and dancing around hell with some sort of hawaiian themed party going on, and he was signing" are you going, to the hookie lau...." Funny sh--
  8. Is it glass, i just thoguht it was !@#$ed up but still real. someone once told me waht happenned to him, but i cant remember, wasn't stu likea minor league baseball player and he got plunked in teh eye or something?
  9. espn.com is doing a fan poll to see who they think will be making the pro bowl. I voted just so that I could see the results, among the most pleasing was Sam Adams finishing in the top 3 DTs, but this was the icing on the cake: Which AFC outside linebackers deserve a trip to Hawaii? (Choose 4) 63.4% Takeo Spikes, Buffalo (83 tackles, 2 sacks, 4 INT) 53.8% Keith Bulluck, Tennessee (125 tackles, 4 sacks, 1 INT) 48.9% Terrell Suggs, Baltimore (52 tackles, 9.5 sacks. 2 FumR) 46.2% Joey Porter, Pittsburgh (48 tackles, 7 sacks) 37.0% Willie McGinest, New England (44 tackles, 8.5 sacks, 1 INT) 26.6% D.J. Williams, Denver (99 tackles, 2 sacks) 22.7% Steve Foley, San Diego (57 tackles, 7 sacks, 2 INT) 19.8% Brian Simmons, Cincinnati (94 tackles, 1 sack, 2 INT)
  10. I disagree that the houston game is everything, i think that they are more likely to lose on the road next week against the raiders barring some sin raiders dismantling(which at any point in the season is never out of the question when Al davis is involved)
  11. Id take moulds as long as hes not having one of his off days Reed was much more consistent though
  12. Thanx for the advice
  13. I definately agree, think about it. Stevestojan said in another thread that his buddy from GB said that the Packers' secondary is so bad that they have no chance. WEll if their secondary is so that bad, why was that such a low scoring game, the bills would have LIT UP the pack. I think the jaguars are a fragile team that can lose on any given week and the Raiders have been playing solid ball as of late. In Oakland, for the playoffs, its thetype of game a team like the Jags would have a good chance of dropping. I've resigned to teh fact that the Texans stand little chance but at least they are all young guys trying to prove themselves. However, I feel that Oakland represents teh best chance of Jaguar defeat.
  14. Big Pun's first album: Capital Punishment, never was into this guy at all until a professor told me he was his favorite MC and that I had to give it a listen. Turns out pun can kick it.
  15. not for a franchise player. !@#$ DD, he shoulda been suspended so theyd lose. He's one of the leagues dirtiest players anyhow.
  16. No actually I missed the Ricky Intervew on 60 minutes
  17. count me in on this cowbell sh--, although now i think everyone is the same person which sucks.
  18. yeah i think hes already shown us what he cannot do, nor has he given us much reason to believe he is capable of that sort of behavior consistently.
  19. To the mother!@#$ing AMHERST POLICE and that stevestojan red light ticket you gave me(and all the other injustices done to teenage/20-30 year old drivers you age-discriminating classist !@#$s!!!) during my shift friday night :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Don't give me a ticket then act like you're doing me a favor by not ticketing me for proof of insurance less than a week before xmas you god damn prick. and I didn't even run the red....... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. Damn liberal gay-marraige state, it's too bad we were too distracted with teh war to focus truly important sh-- like that.
  21. thats some disgusting sh--
  22. Sammy is still my boy, he made 2 or 3 quality fantasy starts for me this year.
  23. wwell, i'd say "are you experienced" by Jimi but if you wanna go with a greatest hits CD that really got me into hendrix for the first time, i got "Jimi Hendrix: The Ultimate Experience" http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music Also the led zeppeling boxed set or LZ I, II or IV, 4 is a good one to start with.
  24. look at the W/L record of both, i bet drews is slightly better.
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