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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. You, my short-sighted friend, have been playing too much madden. It's rotting your brain. Note that both Harrison and TO are in the early years of their respective contracts and in addition to those base salaries, they saw signing bonuses which Billy Fucillo himself would describe as HUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!!
  2. excellent, i concur. I dont know if people do this on the board, but on AIM when i talk to people i always put sarcasm in italics.
  3. Jags snake, its over for them in week 17 even if they dont win this week. Oakland has been playing good ball lately and is always dangerous at home.
  4. I dont really understand who you're siding with by that statement. Id have to say that if you consider all the turnover in our coaching and offense the past few years, eric really has been the only consistent thing.
  5. well, heres the thing. Moulds has deep speed, but hes no lee evans. Very few guys in teh league face as many double teams as eric does. 2 reasons: 1-hes our most physically gifted reciever 2-hes well-reputed as being Drew's favorite target. I love how if Moulds doesnt have 100 catches and 10 TDs everything thinks hes doing poorly. Does he deserve 8.5 mil? probbly not, almost nobody does. Moulds tends to lose focus when we are doing poorly, big deal. In the last few games though, most of his drops have been pretty tough balls anyhow. Don't forget that one catch and run for the TD he had, that was pretty special. Come to training camp next year and watch how dominant moulds is, the other recivers watch in awe when he does some of the things he does. Noone else at camp can leap and catch the way he does. THe guy is still a remarkable athlete, which is undeniable.
  6. He better be playing, according to many posters on this board he's our most qualified player to play a number of positions, screw Willis, without J Peters we're !@#$ed!!!
  7. Thats another demographic of zubaz wearers all-together. The zubaz application may have to look something like this: 1: Are you at least 35 years old? 2: Are you at least 30 lbs overweight? 3: Is the hair on the back of your head more than twice the length of the hair on top of your head(if you ahve any)? 4: Would you prefer if your significatn other also donned this apparrel? 5: Do you own a camero, monte carlo, or firebird? 6: Does this vehicle consist of at least 20 % rust? 7: Are you from Greece, NY?
  8. have you been sniffing glue? While spikes is the best player on the team(arguably), Eric is still dominant, think of some of the catches this guy comes up with. Not to mention his YAC ability is among the best in the league. Why do you think Evans is so open all the time? Evans is fantastic but without moulds we'd struggle mightily. Banking on signing some idiot UDFA is far froma good option. Don't diss moulds just yet.
  9. yeah, id say another CB, OL or TE, you can also never have too many RBs or WRs
  10. untrue, my girlfriend is a bills fan, she'd dig it zubaz are some of the best sports-attire ever invented. Every year at training camp you're bound to see a few people sporting their zubaz, they are usually teh same people who choose to sport large healthy mullets.
  11. thats some funny sh--
  12. I also would like to know the answer to that.
  13. Fantastic recognition of the true date of festivus. if anyone goes and sees willis there dancing, let him know that we're onto him, so he better play sunday.
  14. congrats on selling all ur books, and meeting the man himself. Have a happy holiday
  15. Fantastic story, can't help but be dissapointd about the pole though, also, they should have a big write-on board that people can air their grievences on.
  16. you cant be serious
  17. Well, if you consider next august ASAP, then your wish will be granted.
  18. I plan on attending with many loyal bills fans.
  19. yeah theyre good, been goin for years. Anyone who saw a game last year knows what Im talking about. They seem to finally be set to have a really good year. Watch out come MAC tournament time.
  20. Lebowski is among my all-time favs. Back in high school it used to get quoted constantly, especially when giving answers in class.
  21. lol, sounds like my fantasy team this year, sammy got several starts in place of the oft-injured but brilliant-when-healthy chris brown.
  22. I think i just saw this on espn(either that or my wishful thinking part of me is making me hallucinate). It also said LB Jamie Winborn expected to miss at least 2 weeks.
  23. by that do you mean, "garbage time god"?
  24. seriously, tahts despicable. You can sit around all day and spit your "states rights" stevestojan about that flag, but the truth is it stands for nothing positive and certainly nothing that our country is now is supposed tos tand for. !@#$ that B word.
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