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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. thats weak sh--, TD should know about tradition here. That tradition is....when good sh-- happens after years of garbage, celebration must occur, since this is the last game that will be played at the ralph this year(99.9% sure of that), it shouldn't matter too much. UNless TD thought we'd all destroy the turf, then they may sic the dogs on the fans.
  2. Definately, noone we could've snagged in this draft will be comparable talent-wise to JP, JP is a very special player who has an arm, legs and the ability to lead. He may need some grooming, which is what he's getting. Bills fans remember, we used this years first rounder last year, but it'll pay off.....just wait.
  3. or at least they pretend to be.
  4. well id say thats a good thing, we did only murder the 9ers, the worst team in football.
  5. Moulds says evans is sweet, hell yeah.
  6. I put on my pants one leg at a time, but once my pants are on, I make gold records!
  7. I dont know how flat they looked. I think that if they play the style they used last night(ie: lots of running, passes when nessessary) then they have the best chacne to beat the Jets. Remember, it is IN st. louis AND pennington will be at war with the media all week. It's the best scenario we could have for this matchup, and there may be some praying involved, but I definately would not count the Rams out. Watch out JEts, it's Bulger time!!!
  8. All the more impressive.
  9. at least not until either next year or the playoffs should we have to face NE. I hope not, but thats always the way it seems to go. I have a great deal of faith in this team right now though.
  10. Or sudan for that matter....(will refrain from saying more since it's not PPP)
  11. Now I loved Steve Young as a player but I hate him on NFL live or countdown or whatever he's on. He has this mindset that if you aren't a scrambling quarterback then you have no business starting in teh NFL. HE has absolutely no respect for bledsoe and it seems little for the bills(of course I havent watched him in a few weeks). Also, it sounds to me like ol' steve still thinks he can play.
  12. He'd have to learn pass protection.
  13. Not the crown vic, when it comes to big cars, thats got one of the best turning radius'(or is it radii, ray-dee-eye, you know?). My friends old cop car whips around pretty good. It's the officiel Po-Piece of the Buffalo Bills.
  14. Im a BILLIEVER
  15. We had a guy who lived in our dorm freshman year like that, he followed us around for a total of 3 years before failing out and going back to the 'cuse, we called him "the fist!@#$ guy" and he accepted this name the way most of us would accept a nickname like "T-Bone" or "The Chief"
  16. I wanna test drive a pick-up with GM so that I can move my tempur-pedic mattress out of my girlfriends house so that I at least have the option to break up with her, do you think this is a feasible plan? I'd really rather not rent a vehicle.
  17. As long as martz remembers to run the ball.
  18. I want to go on a Lee Evans support rant reminiscent of the one Dave CHappelle went on last season in a sketch about his own racism affecting his ability to perform jury duty. He starts yelling on and on about how they couldnt find Tupac and Biggies killers but they got OJ and "NICOLE SIMPSON CAN'T RAP", I want justice type thing. Real funny sh--.
  19. really? I dont remember ever seeing him on NFL network and I watch about 10 hours a week of theri programming. Also, wasn't aware bruce had DWI's on his record. But it's true apparantly http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/6343595
  20. I concur, Walken rules that skit with some help from Ferrell and a cracking up cast. WHen it comes to walken, anything that has him being some ridiculous guru-esque character is funny, or as my roommate would say "thats gold brother!"
  21. I dunno, the media is gonna eat pennington alive this week and J Abraham will be out. The jets may fold under the pressure and lay a big fat egg.
  22. I think Esiason is borderline stupid. One night during a monday night game he was doing on the radio i remember their sideline update type guy made some sort of Rodney King comment in regards to the beating that was being put on the other team and Esiason's reply just sent me reeling.
  23. When he does that maybe we should give him one.
  24. My buddy said John Clayton comes into his restaraunt in Seattle all the time and that he's a real douchebag.
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