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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. Flutie is a good PR guy but that doesn't mean he cant be a problem. DO I think he'll be one in New England....F No! Belichik would cut him in a second if he caused a disturbance. I've said it before and I'll say it again about Flutie, I met(well, encountered) the guy one time and he was a pretty Jerk0ff. Furthermore, I am far from the only person Ive talked to who has a similar story.
  2. Basically its not worth it if the reason you want to get it is for in depth NFL articles, and the reason you want those is bills info. Basically all the bills-related stuff on insider somehow gets posted on here one time or another. So there is really no point if tahts what you're in it for. I have it and the only stuff I read pretty much is baseball, with occassional college sports, basketball and baseball. By occasional, I mean like once or twice a year, tops.
  3. Im glad that I'm not the only one who remembers him as being an exceptionally inept Bill.
  4. Yeah Pitoniak is a floppy tool. Its funny you should mention the disneyfication of sports. I took this sports media class this semester at UB and that was one o fthe things we discussed. I guess disney holds an annual seminar for sports teams to come check out about customer treatment and all this other stuff. It was pretty interesting.
  5. Everitt's knee. I know the lingering has only been throughout the weekend but still. Im pretty excited to see this guy get out there on teh field and show us what he can do. Im concerned that his injury is more serious than they are letting on right now because they said they're waiting for the swellingto go down for a full evaluation. now I AM NOT A DOCTOR, nor to i play one on TV, but from watching a lot of sports I've found that any time they wait for the swelling to go down in a knee before examining it, it's usually not the best thing. At this point I will be happy with anything less than a torn ACL/8-10 week recovery period. right now, just get these guys to camp, i say.
  6. While this article is nice and positive, one must take some precaution. The author of the article is the same guy who wrote losman's sporting news feature for him last year. Also, I've been reading the D & C for over 10 years and this guy always has positive uplifting stories no matter what. He brownnoses whatever subject he writes about. Although I personally like the switch to JP and am pretty confident he will be at least adequate at QB this year, I just can't take Pitoniak's articles as seriously as those of most other columnists.
  7. I think Moulds is definately one of the undisputed leaders of this team.
  8. It seems like a lot of the numbers in the 80s on our team were already taken anyhow. I dont care what number a player wears as long as they're good and their uniform is red white and blue with a charging buffalo on the helmet.
  9. Also, i never really thought bledsoe was good at calling the right audibles and hot routing recievers so i think that may have something to do with it as well. If you gave bledsoe a paper test about playing qb hed probobly get a 100 but when u put him back there his decision making becomes somewhat flimsy.
  10. I dont think we have our transition tag because of the Spikes signing, i think we get it back when his contract expires or he is cut. However, if we franchise Nate, then I htink we can sign him to a long term deal eithe rbefore march 15th or something and after like july 15th but if we sign him in the interim period, then we lose the franchise tag for the duration of that contract...i believe.
  11. What is htis daily show event you speak of? I love that show but rarely get to take it in due to school and work constraints.
  12. I remember Ron Edwards being a significantly larger pass rushing force than Phat Pat last year. Although it remains to be seen if he can be nearly as stout against the run.
  13. i didnt know neil was into the white stuff. Hopefully not so much anymore, the man's getting a little old for narcotic experimentation.
  14. I have a feeling that people will be surprised by what they see from McGee at corner by mid to late this season at the latest.
  15. and where can i get some....
  16. It's a toss-up between Band Of Gypsies(Hendrix) or Ready To Die(Biggie) and the Black Album(I guess either Jay Z's or Metallicas would do since in that situation I'd be happy to have any music).
  17. Old Article on Engelhard from last june Interesting that old pastabelly is in cahoots with Engelhard.
  18. I checked out Englehard's website. The website itself is a joke, looks like someone used aolpress 2.0 or something to make it back in like 1998. However, his client list is not comprised ENTIRELY of scrubs. And theres no way Henry would ever get a better deal than the one Hadley stole from the jets for DeWayne Robertson. "The next Sapp!!" he was called coming into the draft. WHen are people going to learn that it's a bad idea to draft players from Kentucky high in the first round. Notable Englehard Clients: Henry Robertson Dorsey Levens(who is crap now anyhow) Pro Bowl KR Allen Rossum DE Robert Mathis(he may get a good contract sometime in the next 2 years). This one was my absolute favorite though: Joe Hamilton Quarterback, Indianapolis Colts (1999 Heisman Trophy Runner-Up) The guy is an absolute nobody in the pros, its been 5 years since he came in 2ND for the Heisman, on a team with Travis Henry no less, but htey still have to say that, like some GM will just be surfing the web and say, "wow, i didnt know that, let's bring that guy in!". He also has the eagles practice squad quarterback. And did the links for the clients of his in other sports not work for anyone else? Implying that he has no other sports clients.
  19. I agree that this is a loser mentality. You play to WIN by putting your best players on the field. Nate can be dealt with later, it can't be as bad as some people on here make it seem. It's not like TD doesnt know whats coming. The man has a plan. Let him execute, it was his savy that netted us Clements in the first place(plus T Hen!) so thinka bout how far this one draft pick has taken TD. The guy seems to know what he's doing.
  20. Ok, but Poole wasnt cheaper than smith, if anything I think he was more expensive. Smith had to be playing for the vet minimum, also, they probobly got rid of smith because at the present date hes 39. Interesting Tyrone Poole note: He was selected the pick directly before Ty Law.
  21. To reignite debate Im going to say because the D & C(although lacking somewhat in writers, and they still employ my nemesis Scott Pitoniak) is better than the Buffalo News. flame away
  22. I agree t hat we should sign nate now to an exhorbitant contract because within a year or two it will be obsolete. The cap should raise again significantly next year.
  23. Moulds is solid, I think he will continue to be for the next 3-4 years. I say look at Jimmy and Rod smith as examples. Also, Reed is a former Bilitnikoff(or however its spelled) award winner, so its not like hes devoid of talent. I say give him another chance.
  24. Not a chance in hell, Clements is a top 10 corner as it is right now and he will do nothing but get better it seems. His price would be a premium, probobly a first and 4th round pick Id think and maybe we'd throw in something else in the exchange. I really hope we don't get rid of Nate, regardless of the Jax game.
  25. Not regarding needs: Braylon Edwards Otherwise, I'd say Carlos Rogers, Antrelle Rolle, Baas, Khalif Barnes It all depends on where we end up picking. I like OL in the second round though.
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