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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. Listen, if anyone here could sign up to live that type of life minus the "being murdered" part, the list would not be short. Clearly not everyone would do it, but plenty would. Some who likely are downgrading and belittling McNair for understandably human weaknesses. Was it classy? About as much as the Bruno movie, but probably more justifiable.
  2. EXCELLENT CONTRIBUTION!!! Ive been doing my best to keep my inner bills fan in a state of hibernation. Im pretty sure the sound of the Ralph has woke him right up! The way that you can hear the fans get louder and louder during Roscoe's return during the opener is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen in a highlight. It must be intimidating to hear that while trying to tackle someone who is so elusive.
  3. I cant believe that anyone would ever want to watch that debacle again. However, now that the link is there I am going to watch it. A horrible game.
  4. I vote that there is a Jauron-speak challenge of the day type thread. Every day a topic is nominated. One submission per member. No winners, just plenty of laughs. Hopefully in September we win some games or I'll look back on all of this and smack myself in the face.
  5. I served Alvin Bowen and his family last October, very nice kid. Awesome dude, we screwed all of his food up and he was very understanding. I made some crack about the Compliance Linebacker going back to the kitchen and the whole party got a big kick out of it. Totally down-to-earth and approachable. Seemed like a guy who really loves the game. Most of these guys don't keep you going if you start any football talk but Bowen seemed to enjoy it. Im rambling. The point is that I mentioned something to him about being a terror on special teams and he claimed that just before he got injured he had been getting 2nd and some 1st team reps. Seemed very proud of this. Also this just in: Andre Reed is apparently took his lessons on tipping for service from George Costanza.
  6. Chris Kelsay is so bad he couldn't get a quarter back if he put a dollar in a change machine!
  7. lol <cluk> Alcoholic Chicken! Finally someone got it.
  8. It used to be that your LE accumulated 15 sacks every year regardless of who you put there.
  9. Donte Whitner PISA TINOISAOMA IS COMING HOME! WELCOME HIM BILLS FANS! Whoa... 26 minutes ago · Comment · Like I hope to god that means we signed him.
  10. He was traded to Tyson for a box of chicken.
  11. Yes, I once stayed a weekend at a dilapidated house full of juiced-up half-wits. Good times. Hope the training staff packs copious amounts of medicated shampoo, because knowing cortland there's likely to be some crabs goin down.
  12. Right ON MAN! Right F---ing on! What a brilliant plan, I can't believe I didn't come up with that one. I obviously forgot that we were putting a roster together for Madden NFL 2003!!!
  13. His name belongs on the periodic table.
  14. We should call Ko Simpson Komillionaire.
  15. He likely cost us that Browns game in Cleveland if I recall. Why would we want to re-sign a guy who wasn't even a starter at a position which at the time was the weakest on our entire squad? Fine is Fine, Nelson is the future and Schouman is now the official tight end "lunch-pail" guy. Gaines would be camp fodder.
  16. No tailgate is complete without it.
  17. Its churned out a seemingly infinite number of them as anybody has been to the galleria in the past 18 months can surely attest to.
  18. LOL, my girlfriend is so conditioned to football talk from being around me that when guys at work are talking football she'll butt-in with some insight, correction or analysis and just blow them out of the water. Im trying to convince her to be in their fantasy football league this year and just mop em all up.
  19. For his sake I hope he makes better decisions than Ziggy from "the wire"
  20. This has pretty much become like Christmas morning for me. Although this decade the Christmases have featured plenty of shiny new toys that look like they'll complement my other toys perfectly only they end up sabotaging the others, breaking just after warranty expiration and getting chewed by the dog and the lawnmower alike. The first draft that I watched the entire coverage was the 2002 draft. I thought we did great that year. Could not have been more wrong. It seems like almost every year the Bills do something out of the ordinary to make it great at least for a day. The good years(on draft day) included 2004 and 2007, 2006 just put my entire draft party in a prolonged state of shock and befuddlement. Then there was the dreaded 2005 draft. Watched TV for nearly 7 hours before I could watch the Bills go on the clock and select Roscoe, a pygmy-like individual who also happens to be the only player from that draft still on the roster. We were supposed to unload Travis Henry.... we didn't. We did not even trade up or down with our 2nd round pick. This year I hope to see a little shakin and movin(although I predict it to occur most likely in round 2-4) and maybe if I'm lucky we'll snatch up a falling prospect in the 3rd round or later. Like Jerry Seinfeld's father, I get excited about the deal. This year certainly is going to be interesting. Watching it with a slightly new crowd on the island this year. Unfortunately due to my scrambling to finish my master's work I won't be able to begin my draft board construction until tonight when I get home from class because of this back-breaking busywork assignment Canisius has decided to reverse force-feed into my large intestine with it's Shaq-like Timberland's. Also this year its supposed to be fantastic outside for the weekend, a perfect day to watch the draft, get crunk, toss the football and do all the things that make draft weekend the the most significant non-religious holiday of my post-pubescent life. I'm sick I tell ya, sick as hell. I've got draft fever and I recommend keeping your distance, cause it's contagious!!! Now where's that damn Hennigan's?
  21. Jacksonville @ the Ralph, it was a warm day late in the season. Great game, we had to come back to finish them off at the end. Key Parrish catch on the sideline set up the winning field goal by Lindell. He may have returned a punt for a score that day too, maybe not. It was a huge catch though.
  22. I could've swore that last year I saw him predict that we select CB Brandon Flowers.
  23. I knew a guy with that name too. He was like an on-again off-again pitching coach we had during American legion in high school. Nice enough guy but seemed like a bit of a dunce to me. Drove a neon which had a spoiler on it, so clearly there was something wrong with his brain functions. It has been 8 years or so, maybe he put on some weight but I don't think that's the same guy I knew.
  24. I wonder if he would have been equally bummed out if somebody has answered "Earth" when he inquired as to Buffalo's location.
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