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Everything posted by ROCCEO

  1. Bravo. Couldnt have said it much better myself. Do you think that they were all that happy in detroit to take a concussion prone LB with a top-10 pick(wait, i forgot matt millen was their GM for a second). The point is that the draft is unpredictable. Also, if you have a guy rated that high, as stated above, then you would likely thinkt hat other skilled talent evaluators feel the same. No sense rolling the dice and missing the bus, get on while the door is open(if that makes sense). The draft cannot come soon enough.
  2. LaVar is a bit of a never-was, I can only recall him staying healthy AND dominant for one full season(without looking at the stats). He was definately a specimen and he had the ability to make the great play. I could flip-flop on whether or not LaVar lived up to his billing or not but its a hard sell. Toss in the achilles injury(he sufferred it in late october/early november tooO and it seems foolish to sign him in light of the spikes manuever.
  3. Rich, I agree SPikes WAS a great player and may still be, but those are chances that most of us agree arent worth it for the bills to take at 4.8 million per year. As for holcomb, he is serviceable. Its not that I would hesitate to use the word great to describe him, its that I wouldnt use it at all. He was great for one game, that playoff scoring extravaganza he had in cleveland.
  4. Youve obviously never seen my apartment
  5. Now that would've been good, biting comedy. Also, Timmo, youtube is the new cnn, didnt you get the memo? Are you claiming that Peyton is a true member of the Shaun Alexander douche bag brigade?
  6. Unless Turner is as good as the guy hes backing up hes not worth a first round swap. Wouldnt that make him worth around the 20th pick overall accordgint o draft value charts(for whatever those are worth). I like turner....a lot. There just arent many players in the league worth that kind of compensation, not in a game where injuries are as big a factor as they are.
  7. When that happens I'll eat the shirt my puppy just peed on.
  8. Read Marvs book Schneck isnt going anywhere
  9. Unlikely that he'll make it to the second round. He has production and workout numbers. He could be the #2 wideout taken.
  10. If we were able to address our other needs in later rounds i would be fine with this pick. The absense of a physicl presense at WR was noticeable this year.
  11. Bills | Meachem to visit Wed, 28 Mar 2007 15:31:03 -0700 KFFL has learned the Buffalo Bills will meet with Tennessee WR Robert Meachem April 3. To all those who are gonna come out and say that this isnt a big deal why does it deserve its own thread, I say, at this point in the offseason not much is a big deal.
  12. Tim Anderson. Now that Darwin is in the fold ol' timmy's days are numbered. Oh what a travesty of a third round pick you were. May you sign with the Phins or pats.
  13. The bears would be stupid not to accept that trade. Even dumber than washington for offering it.
  14. Might wanna toss in Rae Carruth while ur at it. I like R Jay Soward too btw.
  15. My dad had lunch with patulski a few weeks ago, when I came by the office he handed me his business card, goes, "ever heard of this guy". My dad had no clue he went #1 overall. Said ol walt is a good guy though.
  16. Im gonna go with Mike Mamula, but a close 2nd goes to Cade McNown/Tim Couch
  17. Theismann has been ddoing it for a long time and only getting worse. I think that by the end of 05 season McGuire was spending most of the fourth quarter cleaning his gun, getting ready to remove Joe T from the booth himself. Theisman just has his head so far up his own ass that whatever hes seeing is vastly different from what the rest of us see when we look at the TV. In this case it does not represent a fresh perspective but merely an overstretched cornhole.
  18. Damnit, you beat me to saying my least favorite football cliche
  19. Im over even caring about this whole thing. Get a RB Marv and get back to me.
  20. Between all the concerts and free agent visits its hard to believe he has timet o gather accurate information for his Bills.com blog.
  21. Hes right. It is funny. And you should probobly keep that thing about your daughter down, or at least make it sound like she's about to join a convent. Something.....anything is better than national championship winning cheerleader. I can see the nightmares abound now....one day you get one the message board.....but noone is posting....theyve all left their computers, you're front door is under attack!!!! Also, we try to avoid using the term, "the mouths of children" on this board, they can send certain members of the board into a pedophilic frenzy.
  22. I think we're giving up too much in that scenario. Id rather pick at 12 and then have to wait until the third
  23. There sure are HIGH CHARACTER PROGRAM!!BVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV!!!! Ok, because when I think: Courtney Brown, LaVar Arrington & Larry Johnson "high character" is exactly what comes to mind....oh wait.....damnit
  24. Early nominee for post of teh day right there What about "Leonhard's Height"? "Mike Williams' Pork Chop"?(little outdated) or my favorite "Shaud Willliams' ability" or for a new one, "darwin's award"
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