For all the immature douchebags that seem to think I am some newbie Bills fan? I was watching this team while some of you were still swimming around in your daddy's sack. This loss was so predictable it was downright painful. Music City Miracle...please, that was Tennessee winning that game because our special teams weren't awake. We had last nights game in the bag with just over 2 minutes left and up by 2 scores. We gave NE the game, plain and simple. We did not give Tennessee the game, they took it from us.
And while some of you will be turning on the game next week and watching from your mother's basement, I will be sitting in the 8th row, behind the Bills bench on the 40 yard line watching the Bills beat the Bucs. Grow up children, and I think the two of you know who I am talking to. You know, accumulate some posts before talking stupid to the regulars.