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Everything posted by Rayzer32

  1. That ref was throwing the flag for interference. The flag for taunting came from a different ref. Simms explained it after the commercial break. There were two flags on that play.
  2. Ahaha that's awesome. I didn't see the Red Sox lost. He is now John Pappelblown save. !@#$ Boston!!!
  3. They were both iffy that could have gone either way if it were any other team.
  4. We must have been posting at the same time. Did you see the Patriot move? That was an iffy call as well.
  5. Gee how bout that. The Pats were punting on 4th and 4 but the Broncos got called for a neutral zone infraction. This time the reason was the defender moving is what forced the Patriot player to move. That does not get called everyday.
  6. The way the police control traffice around the stadium, it is surprising this guy was treveling at that speed in that area. Sounds like he was trying to outrun the cops, which will begin the debbate again about when should/when shouldn't the police pursue a car. I vote for not pursuing through 70,000 people. Although I am sure alcohol had a place in this disaster somewhere.
  7. First, Tom Brady is obviously immune to getting a intentional grounding call against him. I've seen him chuck the ball away more than once so he does not get hit. Now the refs call a roughing the kicker, when it should have been running into the kicker when the Pats were kicking from their own endzone. The NFL is getting worse week by week.
  8. Big deal. This means nothing at all. I want to hear him say, I am resigning so I don't know what is going to happen with Dick's job.
  9. To the driver's credit, he thought it was Ralph and Dick he was mowing down. (this comment not meant to offend the injured parties)
  10. So true. Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl for Heaven's sakes.
  11. Come on you guys. People at the other 31 stadiums around the league don't drink and get into trouble during their home games. Jeesh, you should all know this is just a Buffalo problem.
  12. That will teach you for swearing at him. Thanks Beerball, thanks alot!!!!
  13. I think this is a sight Ralph sees quite often.
  14. Yes really!!! You think Trent is the source of the problem for the Bills woes? Maybe you should be coaching then. I said he is not the only problem. But he also didn't fumble the ball at the 10 yard line with 2 mins left. If the Bills held on to the ball and Trent led them to the winning FG we wouldn't be having this conversation. This team has many, many problems starting with coaching. Trent is just another problem of many with this team.
  15. Regarding #1, Gee, never heard that comment out of One Bills Drive before. Seems every few weeks this team hits a new low. But hey, keep everything the same, why not.
  16. I brought this up in another thread. Injuries
  17. Read the whole post rocket scientist. Is it any coincedence you have a picture of a Jackass as your avatar?
  18. I'm all for assigning that name to every seat in the Ralph, kinda like the Jim Kelly Club and Paul Maguire Club, us typical fans can have the Real Foolish Club. It should say that on every ticket from here on out.
  19. Um yeah genius, I kinda though that like everyone else. But maybe, just ever so slightly there was a little glimmer of hope that Ralph was trying to improve his team. Today is just more proof that he doesn't give two turds about the fans and city of Buffalo, but thanks for clearing that up for me.
  20. Exactly. It's all lip service until something actually happens. I'm not holding my breath.
  21. Was to sell merchandise, advertising and seats. Him improving the team was most likely not even mentioned. First, for him to improve the team any, they would be trying alot more to get him involved. After 5 weeks they haven't even tried to make him the main cog in the offensive gameplan. The fact that Jauron hasn't been fired yet is another reason Ralph doesn't seem to care about winning. All the while we as fans keep buying into this garbage. I'm getting sick of it quite frankly. And yes, I have season tickets so I feel like I have been screwed yet again.
  22. Thank you. This was my exact thought in another post about Edwards. DA played worse than Edwards, but his team still managed to win. People can blame TE all they want, but he is far from the problem on this half assed team.
  23. I'm having flashbacks of Doug Fluties pressers.
  24. You're clueless. Nowhere did I say Trent was great and he is not to blame, but it is by far his fault they lost. If Parrish holds on to the ball and the Bills can move the ball into FG range, they still could have won. 6-3 is still a win no matter what anyones stats are. Derek Anderson played worse than TE and his team won. And saying Cleveland is the worst team in the league is a joke. The combined record of teams they have lost to before winning today was 14-2. Oakland and St. Louis are the worst teams, along with the Bills right now.
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