How quickly people forget, but how many 40 yard TD passes has Fitz completed in his almost 2 games? None, and he wasn't even close when he tried to go deep. TE threw 2 against the Bucs earlier this year. People keep saying Fitz makes the throws TE can't? Well gee, I have seen TE make throws that Fitz has yet to come close to completing. Last year TE was 5-1 at one point....anyone remember that???
Now, I am not saying TE is the answer, but Fitz is nowhere near the answer either. He has played one full game with Jauron as his head coach. Give it a few more weeks until DJ makes him even worse than he already is. BUFFALO NEEDS A QB IN A BAD WAY (and a new HC), and TE or Fitz are not it. Fitz's best pass today was a 2 yard slant to Evans for the TD. The main reason the Bills won the past two games is because the QBs on the other teams just happened to play worse than the Bills QB.