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Everything posted by dib

  1. I think the answer to that question, from The Ego's point of view, can only be "I could have done a better job producing The Pacific than Tom Hanks Perhaps you could give Dale Dye a hand also.
  2. He smoked cigars. The pipe was an affectation, like Patton's ivory-handled Colt revolve Except Patton actually used his revolver(s) while chasing Pancho Villas boys down south.
  3. I find it amazing that atheletes can get away with what they do and return to fan adulation.
  4. Where would the 'veteran' officers have recieved their combat experience? NCO's maybe from WW1 but this is doubtful.
  5. So that means it never happened? Ever? To any officer?
  6. and you are surprised because.............................?
  7. When was the last time you were in combat in the Pacific? Unreality?
  8. For the same reason I pointed out the submachine gun was called 'Thompson, not Thomkins'
  9. Saginaw was one of many companies that churned out cabines.
  10. For two excellent fictional accounts of the invasion of JApan, read: 'The Burning Mountain' and 'Lighter than a feather'
  11. M! Garand, The m1 sakinaw actually it's a Saginaw (carbine already field tested and used by the Raiders and Paramarines), The Thompkins um that would be a THompson (I don't know about that magazine clip/maybe), and the M50 which replaces the Tommy Gun the m50, especially with the folding stock does look like a carbine. the m3 replaces/supplements the THompson color] (was issued to the 1st in New Zealand prior to Gaudal...guess it can look like an M1 carbine, from a movie point) One point I thought rediculous was when those Bozo's decided to go to the shore and watch the Japanese ships off shore...Who by the way were looking right back at them and saying in Japanese "look at those Bozo's on the beach". Read Leckies book: Helmet for my pillow
  12. I had a small problem with that too, made an instant connection w/BoB characters,not so much with Pacific, but it's still crazy early in the series. Made Dad was in the CBI theater and always feels 'gyped' that they dont get coverage. Objective Burma with Errol Flynn doesnt count.
  13. Then for the most part, things are probably as they should be-for the ground pounders anyway. For a treat watch the 1943 movie 'Guadalcanal Diary'
  14. I didnt notice in the credits, but did they use Dale Dye as technical advisor again?
  15. either lazy or stupid; they got basic facts wrong (another one that just occurred to me: the Marines on Guadalcanal did NOT have M1 carbines) they could have easily verified in five minutes. Granted, the scenes showing the Marines climbing down to the Higgins boats was a little crammed. Do you mean the M-1 carbine of the M-1 Garand? The Carbine had been around since 1936, and was issued to machine gun squads, mortar mne etc. Thr troops liked it in the jungle because of it's light weight and non corrosive cartridges. The Marines were equiped with Springfields at the 'Canal and to be honest I think the props department did a cr@ppy job reproducing them . Did younotice that some (at least one) of the Thompsons was sporting a drum magazine?
  16. How could you possibly determine the ranges of the opponents from the scenes they showed? Why do you assume they were ships of both nationalities? They could have just been showing the American/Australian ships with the IJN out of frame.
  17. Oh goody now I can go on with my day.
  18. The kid from Buffalo is also mentioned in 'Helmet for my Pillow' by Leckie. Also read 'With the Old Breed' by Sledge From some reason it's a little hard to warm to the characters, I'm sure it's because it's so early (ep. 1) in the series.
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