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Everything posted by dib

  1. Shocked! Shocked I say! Here in Habana Norte they think Wade walks on water and poops lightning. I guess he thinks so too.
  2. I'm not a PC but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
  3. Will this horror never end?
  4. My wife and I went to a place called Ernies in Ft. Lauderdale. We ordered conch chowder, We did not order the cockroach that came in the chowder. That annoyed me.
  5. Wait , I hear new music! Mars, from Holst 'The Planets' I win.
  6. I have better pyrotechnics at my 4th of July extravaganza than this guy put together as a car bomb.
  7. Never mind that he later won a $10 million court award for wrongful discharge, that's beside the point. Wrongful discharge..............................no, I can't.
  8. Soft porn discussion and I still dont have an avatar. Sweet.
  9. So deaf people can enjoy flatulence too.
  10. Rookie. I'm celebrating 29 years of wedded bliss with my wife. She's celebrating 28 years. Long story.
  11. By the time it becomes time for a nightcap I have already been asleep for an hour.
  12. The toy probably tastes better
  13. Thanks for the invite but I prefer salt water fishing. Anyone go shooting at Markham Park?
  14. I have resigned myself to trudging through an avatarless world. Sigh.
  15. No Bills No Sabres Dont like baseball/basketball Nascar? Bah I guess I'll have to introduce myself to those people that sit at my dinner tabel
  16. besides the fact he's like what? 70?
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