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Everything posted by dib

  1. I didnt mention that because I figured it was a typo.
  2. Is a string bracelet jewelry? Here in Habana Norte, a girls flag football coach reached out into the field of play and pulled the flag off of an opposing player that was running down the sideline for a touchdown. He denied doing it until a photo of him pulling the flag showed up in the newspaper.
  3. so that's where all of my socks go.
  4. Serious as a heart attack. You forget these women have won the genetics lottery. If they are fake, so what? I have a fake Rolex and it keeps great time.
  5. Not just the tip, lets not forget these are young women. They have not experienced the ravages of gravity yet.
  6. That's what happens when mom and dad are brother and sister.
  7. I hear that the Japanese flood America with this thing called a 'Toyota', it's designed to kill Americans a few at a time
  8. How do you know they're fake?
  9. The magazine hasnt been the same since Hef's daughter took over. I'm still waiting for the brail version.
  10. Do these people live in Arkansas or Alabama? Her husband believes her? Go brush your tooth buddy.
  11. You guys really need to read a few books. Thousands of Japanese civilans leapt to the deaths rather than be captured by the barbaric Americans
  12. Then you have never seen the Errol Flynn version.
  13. I went to my doctor and told him "It hurts when I do- this" He told me "Dont do that."
  14. Does that include earplugs for the screaming and complaining?
  15. (in a shrill old lady voice) Language young man- Language!
  16. Go to Cancun instead, it's nicer. You could always get yourself kidnapped and extend your stay in Me-hee-co
  17. I got my avatars back but I'm leaving the cat because I like it so much.
  18. 81 degrees here at 8:57 a.m.
  19. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
  20. I really wanted to see this movie until I saw a preview on CBS Sunday Morning. I thought I was watching 'Saving Private Ryan' as the medieval landing craft approached the shoreline. WTH?
  21. No, but now Beerball is on potential avatar probation
  22. Good steak doesnt need steak sauce
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