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Everything posted by dib

  1. kind of like how buildings burn up when they burn down
  2. 4 bullets and he wouldnt have much of a head left
  3. still dont understand how a you rape a guy that's willfully humping away?
  4. normally i dont like warm milk, but if i could get it from the tap I'd make an exception
  5. isnt that what the wee-wee hours are for? To go wee wee?
  6. gives a whole new meaning to putting a hot dog in the bun
  7. Did you ever see the bumper sticker that said: "Pray for me I drive I-95"
  8. Congratulations BB. My son graduates tomorrow then is headed to FSU in the Fall.
  9. Hey wait a minute, my wife just bought an upright freezer...............
  10. Must be nice to have something to take their minds off of the fact they're starving.
  11. I cant wait to retire to N.C. and have nothing to do.
  12. people chewing popcorn with their mouths open at the movies
  13. If only. I believe I am being held up as an example, regardless of what else that gets posted no one has been chastised to the degree I have been.
  14. Are you one wild and crazy guy?
  15. It would be in self defense because "I was in fear for my life."
  16. That would be wonderful. He likes to beat up women. He lays a hand on my family and I will put him in the ground
  17. My felon neighbor has 5 felonies pending. All of a sudden they are listed as: Disposition Entered. If any of you have a laymans definition for this I would appreciate it.
  18. My Son is graduating on the 8th. Top 10% 4.6 on a 4.0 scale. Lettered in two sports.
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