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Everything posted by dib

  1. But then you'd have to wear one of those big plastic cones.
  2. Did you hear about the 100 lb. midget with 50 lb. testicles? Everyone said he was half nuts.
  3. When we dropped our children off at their respective campuses, there must have been a lot of dust blowing around.. Don't be surprised if your drop off day is 'dusty' too.
  4. "eat this" Aliens
  5. "Molon Labe" Come and take them. 300 Spartans "He's dead, I'm wounded, you're lost" The Longest Day
  6. We've had a Gator in the Canal behind our house. I've eaten Gator tail on numerous occasions.
  7. only my wife gets to call me that !
  8. Ragnar plays a character in the new Warcraft movie. BTW The only Orcs are in Middle Earth.
  9. dib


    Leningrad was no picnic either.
  10. dib


    Sadly, there was no mention (here) of D-Day on the news.
  11. A French customs agent was being rude to an American tourist. The tourist asked the agent if he spoke German. The agent responded "no". The American tourist said "You're welcome" Thank You Boys.
  12. I know its not one of the options but I'd prefer, in any theatre the P-51D. The cadillac of the sky.
  13. Flying my flag. Thank you veterans for my freedom.
  14. Don't worry, Tyler is waiting patiently for you upstairs.
  15. I'd stuff her burr..... never mind.
  16. I think its a riot when women at the gym are dressed like pole dancers, and are p!ssed when you look. Oh that's right your carefully crafted Victoria's secret outfit was designed to not attract attention.
  17. Nurse sharks have what are called 'pavement teeth' suitable for crushing molluscs, etc. They were screwing around with the shark and in my opinion she deserved to be 'bitten'. I feel worse for the shark.
  18. By the way, there's an amazing restaurant on Stock Island. It's called Hogfish Bar and Grill. If you like seafood and happen to be in Key West, it's a must.
  19. The Dr. told me he wanted a urine,fecal and sperm sample. So I gave him my underwear.
  20. I guess I should have changed my shirt earlier. I don't change it but i do turn it inside out.
  21. Secretary of Defense-Me.
  22. Pretty risky considering all that's left of his head is a piece of skull. Wouldn't unthaw mean refreeze?
  23. Gives a whole new meaning to "getting hea......" never mind.
  24. She looks like she belongs in the handicapped spot.
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