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Everything posted by dib

  1. So in order to be attractive to women I have to plant trees?
  2. Dolphin: A mammal without external genitalia.
  3. Only if chess requires cleats and a helmet.
  4. Dont even or I will have to say something that will get me banned. She's dating a guy that played for Oklahoma, I'll let him deal with you.
  5. Many congrats. It's the hardest job you'll ever love. My daughter turned 22 in January but it seems like only 10 minutes since her birthday.
  6. at first over the fire (duh) then moved it over to the non-lit side. Guessing this is 98% of the problem
  7. everything went well until the grease from the chicken started a nuclear inferno in the grill. I would appreciate any tips, suggestions to avoid this conflaguration in the future.
  8. When I stand up my knees sound like a bowl of rice crispies
  9. Brief article basicaly said there is no way the Dolphins can lose to the Bills unless the Bills make big plays. Article goes on to say that since Schobel left, the Bills have no pass rush, and since the Bills were 3-13 (?) last year they wont be any good this year either.
  10. I figured there had to be a 'split squad' kind of thing going on
  11. There are a few dates where they are apparantly playing at 2 different places on the same day at the same time. Wish they were playing in Lauderdale, dont like the AAA in Miami
  12. It all has to do with profit margin and our insatiable thirst for oil
  13. just read that article, sleep deprived and streaming porn, I wonder what else was going on in the cab. People do the most amazingly stupid things while driving. I see it every day on 595.
  14. Good luck Bulls. My Canes start tonight also against FAMU. Just a tune up for Ohio State next week.
  15. I hate when i gash my teeth. I would rather gnash them.
  16. I wonder why they never made a sitcom about Japanese prisoner of war camps?
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