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Everything posted by dib

  1. Could have been worse, could have been raining.
  2. I still enjoy watching Operation Petticoat
  3. I am and dont call me Shirley
  4. Anybody know why I cant get external links from the board anymore? First no avatars, now this. The humanity!
  5. I wouldnt call them "lessons" You take Piano lessons. Call it training or something along those lines.
  6. If he doesnt rise he'll never get in.
  7. woohooh we're under tropical storm warning
  8. Years ago I bought a Ford Bronco off of the showroom floor: transmission failed A/c Failed speedometer broke glove box stuck shut tailgate rusted through 2X this is all within 5 years. Ford workers must have had a bad day building that POS
  9. We've brought you a book. It's called "To serve man"
  10. Well, at least the Dolfelons lost so I dont have to put up with that cr@p today.
  11. ran into a guy claiming to be 'Biscuit', does he live in So. Fla?
  12. so many things I'd like to add but I'm already in enough trouble.
  13. I could tell it's the first day of Fall, it's only 82 degrees at 8:13 a.m.
  14. They came to my house in 3 days and gave me a brand new HD Dish.
  15. What about that pat on the butt thing? Hmmmm?
  16. Pretty sure I dont want to buy it, is it worth a rent?
  17. especially in the opening scene as the mothership causes vibrations on the lunar surface as it passes by
  18. To paraphrase Stephen Hawking, you'd better hope that advanced civilizations dont come to Earth. Look how well that turned out for the Indians when Columbus came to North America.
  19. I would invite Audrey to Cocktails but not the other beast
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