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Everything posted by dib

  1. Jeremy Irons as the voice of Smaug Who plays Gandalf?
  2. 9 years later. Ain't justice wonderful. Guess that goes a long way to explain my neighbor being out of jail (6 felonies) and his sentence? 'Disposition entered' whatever the hell that means
  3. It's easy to explain. The workers belong to a generation that have no idea what sacrifices these men made in WW2. Instead of denying them entrance they should have paid for their dinners.
  4. I have been a victim of racism. I was looking for a job in texas and was told I couldnt be hired as I was not a "black female" I was also bused into the city of Buffalo to go to school, when there was a school 1 mile from ny house.
  5. If you find any lead soldiers in the basement or attic let me know
  6. must not sleep, the clowns will eat me.
  7. Had someone in Habana Norte ask me if I was still a Bills fan after 0-5 I said: "Of course." Dumb@ass
  8. Same sort of thing happened to me, Julius Caesar stole my sandals and I had to cross the Rubicon in my bare feet. Julius laughed and said he'd thrown my sandals down a well.
  9. Attica Attica Atti......... oh never mind
  10. Loudon Wainright 3rd: Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road.
  11. I feel much better now that you've told me what to do.
  12. It was a long shot, and I really appreciate your help.
  13. Watch some of the games from the 90's then you will understand our frustration.
  14. thier special teams coach
  15. I'll keep checking, everything else has fallen through

  16. keep me posted

  17. Any news on the FSU ticket?
  18. That 60$ ticket sounds good, you're in Plantation and I'm in Davie, nearly neighbors

  19. The Chinese UFO was found to have high levels of lead as part of it's composition.
  20. Listening to WQAM on the way to workthis morning. Listening to the Dolfelon fans sounded a lot like streaming WGR. "We stink" "Fire the coach" "Fire the players" I thought Gosh we're not that different after all.
  21. Cheapest price I've seen so far is 103$, worst comes to worst my wife will stay home and my son and I will go
  22. Plenty of cold beers Looking for something kind of light to go with the Gyros and sausage. Thanks Guys! Buffalotone I need one ticket for my son for the FSU game. Got any? Makes for a great cheeseburger too 8oz velveeta pepper cheese. Roll between two sheets of wax paper. Peel top paper off and spread cream cheese. (8oz) Pat dry small can of chilis. Spread over cheese. Start at one end and roll. Keep in fridge over night.
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