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Everything posted by dib

  1. I feel your pain, kind of like having your avatar lifted.
  2. The rumors of my incarceration are wildly exagerated. Besides, they were depends not a diaper.
  3. I think Nov. 10 is more important.
  4. HBO's Rome, both of them, albeit the second one is darker than the first
  5. about 2 dozen kids and a mom 'Elvira'. VERY Elvira. I wanted to ask her in and treat her.
  6. Nov. 1 76 degrees 8:39 a.m. with a potential hurricane brewing in the Carribean. Life is good.
  7. Instead of 15000$ for one 'pro' How about 15 1000$ 'pros'?
  8. She doesnt do anything for me.
  9. Too late for me, I already had the tv station up the butt thing.
  10. Do you watch a particular movie on Halloween? I watch the original War of the Worlds, cant stand the screaming chick in the remake.
  11. Italy is waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of us in education.
  12. Maybe she sent herself back in time to take pictures of herself back in time
  13. Guy has a 'birds and the Bees' talk with his son. Little while later the boy gets stung by a Bee. Runs home thinking he's pregnant.
  14. I'd want to be sure I could return to my current timeline. For you Dinosaur hunters read: "A sound of Thunder" by Bradbury not the movie read the book
  15. I have a PS3 ny son has xbox. He has already had the red ring of death. I haven't had any trouble.
  16. Are they protesting the ads or protesting the attractive women because the protestors are ugly?
  17. I believe it was 'kazoo' so called from a reoccuring character on the Flintstones.
  18. I already won this the last time so I dont care
  19. my head nearly exploded just reading about it
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