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Everything posted by dib

  1. Me, I'm using the hacksaw to cut through the handcuff chain, not my wrist.
  2. Nike makes the same 'Combat' unis for the NCAA, they are equally hideous.
  3. the other times I didnt wear underwear.
  4. Why not most political parties are full of boobs anyway
  5. When i was in college and ran out of underwear I wore my banana hammock
  6. dont worry 6 months from now she'll be available again
  7. Sponge candy and I get along
  8. 6pm espnu vs ball state
  9. The Cuban gov't is not happy about this aspect of the game
  10. Somehow I hadnt noticed the lack of an avatar
  11. Lots of places sell Buffalo (Bison) this site sells things like- Webers, sponge candy, loganberry, etc.
  12. Rookie. My wife had 2 'C' sections, I was there at both. The second one was the week-end of Hurricane Andrew.
  13. I just had an Epiphany. Maybe they were refering to themselves.
  14. How ironic. * yelling that. Never did like frat boys.
  15. Wait until they're teenagers, you'll have to get a 2nd job at the grocery store.
  16. I would say the same thing. My daughter is 22 and on the verge of engagement. Our rule- degree-job-engaged-married.
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