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Everything posted by dib

  1. She sure doesnt mind letting the puppies out for a walk.
  2. where'd everybody go? I had the name plate on my #95 Adams jersey changed to WIlliams. Like having a new jersey. Of course now I have doomed Williams as I am the kiss of death whenever I get a players' jersey.
  3. A.A.S.S. Aliens against stoned saucering.
  4. Back in the day that wouldnt have happened
  5. I already thought of getting a Bills jersey with the legend "Next Year" on the back instead of a name
  6. "back in the day" "how are we doing" "sorry I'm late" "physicality" "athleticism"
  7. gives a whole new meaning to: "say...ahhhhh"
  8. During Lent I dont drink alcohol for 47 days. Now, not so much.
  9. Pilot sits on the left. My father-in-law flew dust offs for the Marines in Vietnam.
  10. Canada- America's attic. Toronto exists because of American Tourism.
  11. 101ST ABN 506th PIR Easy Company. Thank you Sir, and thank you Boys. We can never repay you or your Band of Brothers.
  12. Saw one on a Hummer down here. Right above the Hummer logo, the plate read: "I need a"
  13. I've supported wounded warriors for a while now. It's heart rending to see how badly burned and mangled some of those kids are.
  14. 70 degrees at 9 am. High of 80 today.
  15. Gives a whole new meaning to the word 'injection'
  16. Sparano has got to feel like the red headed stepchild
  17. whats the difference between the cha-cha and pea green paint? ANybody can do the cha-cha
  18. There is no duplicity here. I was always tired of hearing about St. Tebow. Cam Newton(sic), another piece of manure that is being lionized.
  19. Does anyone know if the Army still has their nerve gas storage facility in Little Rock, which is on the Arkansas River, which feeds into the Mississippi? Just sayin'..............
  20. Missed it. I wanted to see the part where he walks on water.
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