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Everything posted by dib

  1. this thread has really gone in the crapper.
  2. good thing the writers went on strike for more money, how else would they come up with these ideas
  3. Seriously. Football for many of them is their life.
  4. He can coach the defense to sack the QB. He always was a Cox Sacker.
  5. OPen the pod bay door Hal. Hal..............?
  6. Billy is just p-o'ed because his one song career is in the toilet
  7. we used to make Kahlua. It's easier to buy it.
  8. When she sits around the house she sits AROUND the house She's warmth in the winter and shade in the summer. I'll be here all the week. Try the veal.
  9. figures, i just had the nameplate on my #95 jersey changed from Adams to Williams
  10. I thought Dora the Explorer was porn. Maybe she misread the title. Maybe it was Dora the Explored.
  11. Isnt that where they put the blob to keep it frozen?
  12. What beer cost at the Superbowl. It's 7$ at Hurricane games. Just wondering.
  13. better yet, did you notice that in the quaker oats oatmeal commercial the little girl at the end is wearing a Kelly jersey?
  14. To paraphrase: "Land of the free because of the brave"
  15. I dont remember which game it was, but after 9/11 at one of the games the fans sang the anthem, without accompaniment. It was chilling. The fans should have booed her butt off the stage.
  16. When I get up my knees sound like rice crispies
  17. Congrats franchise -- nothing is better than being a parent. : Except when they leave to go away to college.
  18. Congratulations. It's the hardest job you'll ever love.
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