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Everything posted by dib

  1. It must be tough trying to make it on an NFL salary
  2. I could do a lot of good with 7.5 mill. I could do a little bad too.
  3. Atlantis ? It's been in Georgia for as long as I can remember. Oh. Wait. Nevermind.
  4. wouldnt it have been easier and cheaper to put the controller on vibrate, play a violent game and.................
  5. Seriously, I don't understand your fascination with women's breasts
  6. I always wondered why psychics had to ask their clients name.
  7. Whats the over/under when he blows his brains out
  8. I just caught a minute or so of a trailer that looks like another invasion of earth movie but I didnt catch the title. Something about L.A.? anybody have more info? Sorry for the lack of hard data.
  9. Why are we so anxious to grab everyone else's cast offs?
  10. a lot of them looked shakey to begin with
  11. why would you stripe a hand railing?
  12. he's in that chair so that they can jeer, boo, and hiss.
  13. It was supposed to work at sea also to take down rigging and masts
  14. Common sense in short supply. And yes, your sarcasm is noted.
  15. I figured a lot of people were p-o'ed the second time I called I was put on hold, I hung up after 15 minutes. Guess being a subscriber for 11 years means nothing.
  16. On the other hand what were they doing yachting off the Somali coast?
  17. These tax commercials drive me crazy. I'd like to meet the people that get these 2-3000$ tax refunds. I've been paying for years.
  18. I understand that, but there weren't any games on C.I. Were there only 3 being played Sunday?
  19. Sunday. Looked forward to seeing the Sabres and all I got was a load of bull
  20. So, there's this satellite company that promised free center ice feb 14-20. I sit down to watch the Sabres. Odd, there arent ANY games on. I Figure it's a simple gaff so I call this company. "There arent any games on today." "But I'm looking at your scoreboard that indicates at least three games are being played" "We arent showing any games today" "What? BOHICA" Thanks for helping me to make up my mind about this package.
  21. Dead skunk in the middle of the road Loudon Wainright the 3rd.
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