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Everything posted by dib

  1. .... However, the dude must have psychological scars given how he looks. Not to mention the pschological scars he has given to the children he molested.
  2. Royal Saudi family? Lets see, Syria, yemen, Libya..... Farewell and adieu all you fine Spanish ladies..............
  3. Who is going to accomodate them after they graduate from high school, assuming they graduate of course.
  4. She eats that and her butt will be as big as the one on the cake.
  5. I had to have 2 molars replaced, both of which were previously worked on as root canals. Coincidence? we wont go there. I had cadaver bone as a graft for my jaw. My molars are on opposite sides- good luck with chewing. My dental which sucks didnt cover me either. 3600$ out of pocket. Next tiem I'll let them yank the teeth and leave the holes. So maybe 3 months from now I can chew like a big boy.
  6. "Badges?, we doan need no stinkin' badges"
  7. I just had 2 posts implanted (think dremel tool) anybody here ever been in the same position? What I could use is some suggestions for what to eat for a few days that wont damage the sutures. To add insult to injury it's lent so I cant have a drink to "lessen the pain"
  8. I wonder if she made him do it over until he got it right
  9. Buffalo was gorgeous in it's day too.
  10. Carnival didnt make her sea sick. The ocean did. I got food poisoning on a cruise. The ships' doctor said I was seasick. We were in port at the time. I scuba dive, I know seasickness.
  11. Thats amazing thats amazing why did you repeat yourself? I didn't didn't didn't.........
  12. I guess there must be fewer cats hanging around the dumpsters
  13. How does one rape a 14 year old that's been drinking?
  14. try spinach, doo doo will be black
  15. Bullys are like that. All tough guy until someone knocks the crap out of them, then it's "Mooooooooooooommy"
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