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Everything posted by dib

  1. Are you kidding? JIM FREAKIN KELLY !!! someone vote for me I dont have facebook access.
  2. VS is carrying 4 games i think. Check wgr55.com they have a tv schedule
  3. and yet the draft hat still sports the darker blue
  4. Yes it would except Abbott and Costello performed "who's on first"
  5. Very few decisions relating to education make any sense, because many of the decisions are made by people with little or no education experience.
  6. bad guy rifles always miss, good guy pistols always hit
  7. If the other plane had been a Lufthansa plane the French would have steered way clear.
  8. I was thinking: "More points than the Flyers"
  9. Well that would explain the captive breeding
  10. I keep thinking about what Hawking said, to paraphrase- Columbus comes to 'America' look how that turned out for the natives.
  11. Good God, what a barker. What did the kid look like?
  12. He oculd always poke his head through the hole in the fuselage
  13. This will never go to court. Someone will get season tickets, a jersey and a pay-off.
  14. My wife and I are looking into this cruise. I'd appreciate any eyes-on, boot on the ground help.
  15. How anybody can think soccer is more watchable than baseball is beyond me. To me, any sport that goes on for 3 hours and ends up 1-0 is boring.
  16. We'll have to ban driving too, Lord knows how dangerous that is.
  17. Agreed Dorn is dog doo, I'm wondering though how does a surgeon miss the amount of blood that would cause this damage. My wife had 2 c-sections and I was there for both. I'm thinking that amount of blood would be noticeable.
  18. Green Bay/Dallas- The ice bowl.
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