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Everything posted by dib

  1. Why does flatulence smell? so deaf people can enjoy it too.
  2. It's not like they were blue blazers or anything.
  3. Same deal here in Habana Norte. Felons, Heat, Panthers start doing well and suspiciously new jerseys start showing up all over the place. Miami is proof you CAN buy a championship, they did it with the Marlins and they're doing it with the Heat.
  4. a friend of mine worked a k-9 detail. He let me put on a sleeve and 'play' with the dog. You don't want to mess with these dogs.
  5. I dont care who wins. The last episode of Justified was last night. But! It will be back!
  6. 'm not worried about where it's going, I'm worried about who is going to bring it back.
  7. supply and demand? There have been instances where demand has dropped and fuel companies have rasied prices to make up the difference
  8. I dislike companies that make exorbitant profits at the expense of consumers. Someone passes gas in the Middle East and oil companies raise gas prices 12 cents a gallon. Yes I'm aware that oiil prices are increasing, and why is that do you suppose.
  9. Looks photoshopped, and Mark has a potty mouth.
  10. I always enjoyed listening to him on WQAM. Rest in peace Meeeeeeeeechigan.
  11. They might go through but they wont go any further.
  12. Porn star had her cover blown. Lucky cover.
  13. So I wait around until 9:30 to see the game 'in progress'. The Rangers/Caps go into OVERTIME!!!! Thank you versus for the tease, the game was listed to be on in it's entirety, but noooooooooooo you decide to put the friggen Rangers on. Bite me.
  14. WGR's website has the Sabres playing on VS wednesday.
  15. McVeigh went to Starpoint
  16. Nothing like talking out of your @ss. With the exception of Buchannon they have been squeeky clean. The Gators on the other hand would be a perfect fit. I give you: 30 arrests of football players in 5 years, 2 swimmers arrested for shoplifting, 2 basketball players arrested for breaking and entering, and drumroll please..............Cam Newton.
  17. Depends on how much somebody wants him. "It was all a misunderstanding."
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