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Everything posted by dib

  1. He's warmth in the winter and shade in the summer. When he sits around the house he sits around the house
  2. I have a Nook color and I'm really enjoying it. Favorite authors: DeMille, Turtledove, Isles, used to enjoy Clancy but he's kind of dumped lately.
  3. one side of the helmet looked like a crash test dummy
  4. Shark fins are heterocercal not homocercal, even great whites. This looks more like a Marlin, or Sailfish fin
  5. That would be the northern half
  6. Yeah, because stuff like this only happens in Florida.
  7. More like the penal system will be in and out of him
  8. aaaaaaaaaaaah the suspect had a gold tooth. That will make identification all that much easier.
  9. You'll need a new HD capable dish, and reciever. If the ocax is old they might want to run some new lines. There is no such thing as an HD line. If you've invested in the TV you sould do yourself a favor and upgrade the rest as well
  10. 19 years ago yesterday-Andrew. Now that was a Hurricane
  11. started shuttering my house and my mother-in-laws just in case she hiccups west
  12. Had a close strike one time and the emp fried my satellite reciever
  13. you look at what you like and i'll look at what i like
  14. An 80,000 seat stadium looks emptier than a 30,000 seat stadium
  15. 15 year old "victim". Seriously? She could victimize the sh#t out of me.
  16. Why? Ohio State wasn't given the death sentence. Pot, meet kettle, Free Sneakers University/Cheating scandal You cant judge a school by it's football team. I'm sure if someone judged ECC that way you'd be upset.
  17. 4th round pick? Seriously? Why not a broken pencil and a bag of stale popcorn.
  18. You're a bad parent? My wifeand I are Hurricane alumni. My son is attending FSU. (He wass accepted to Miami also)
  19. Comes out Sept 1. Its called "Between the lies" about of all things someone fixing the superbowl. QB is called Kelly James. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  20. and thongs, dont forget thongs
  21. in the spare room and came across a #20 90's era Billa jersey. Basically mint. If anyone wants the jersey and a chicken wing hat just for s/h drop me a line
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