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Everything posted by dib

  1. When surviving Arizona crewmen pass on they have the option of having their ashes interred on the Arizona, to be with their shipmates.
  2. I've been there. It's impressive and somber. by the way, it's 'Date' not 'day'
  3. wade ashore at Normandy Beach go to the Macy's thanksgiving parade (if I have them) play with my grandchildren see astronauts land on Mars.
  4. "Among the Americans serving on Iwo island, uncommon valor was a common virtue." (Adm. Chester A. Nimitz) War is God's way of teaching Americans geography. -Ambrose Bierce, writer (1842-1914) Dec. 22, 1944 Bastogne, Belgium To the German Commander: "NUTS!" General Anthony McAuliffe 101st. Abn.
  5. What makes this worse is that I remember those 4 years in the glorious 90's
  6. No depth, and where is rusty jones when you need him?
  7. Dolphin: A Mammal without external genitalia The Felons love to come hell bent for leather after the QB. Screens, draws, anyone?
  8. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again.
  9. Didn't Ethron play for H.P. Lovecraft?
  10. victor-charlie. not a funny ass word to the guys that were there. My late father-in-law flew Marine dust-offs in Vietnam. Every once and a while, not often, he would tell some heart rending stories.
  11. But if they ARE able to pull off either 1, 2, or 3, they will likely be in according to the history of 10-6. If my aunt had testicles she'd be my uncle.
  12. Depends on what Bills team shows up.
  13. Dolphin: a mammal without external genitalia. Buffalo will have to be on their toes, the Felon D has been on fire and Moore is coming along. They're already chalking it up as a win down here. With Buffalo being as beat up as they are it could be a long afternoon
  14. Didnt seem to have this problem when Rusty Jones was around. At least not to this extent.
  15. shouldnt this be in the "walking dead" thread?
  16. Dandy Don Meredith said it best: "Turn out the lights the party's over"
  17. good to know even though I cant stand the VS announcers. wonder if Montreal will steal the Sabres milk money and push them into a locker
  18. They are an advanced guard of an invasion force hiding behind the asteroid.
  19. I cant find out what portion of the sky,if any, to try and spot the asteroid from So. Fla.
  20. How appropriate that it starts on a Monday after a Bills loss.
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