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Everything posted by dib

  1. thank you Merchant Marine for the Murmansk and Archangel runs
  2. of the Allied Expeditionary force! You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade toward which we have striven these many months. June 6th 1944 Operation Overlord. Thank you Boys.
  3. Wheel guns are so..............yesterday. I think my current favorite pistol is a 5.7mm FN
  4. Well now. I collect WW2 memorabilia, dimestore soldiers, lead soldiers. I also paint and collect military miniatures.
  5. What makes you think that this is unique to Minn. schools?
  6. I love the bumper stickers "Watch for motorcyclists" Some of these * bob and weave in and out of traffic at high speed and end up causing accidents. The 'crotch rockets' are the worst. Just yesterday I had some @sswipe drive between me and the car next to me while we were both making a left turn onto the highway.
  7. 30 minutes after sex you want to have sex again.
  8. I've been an educator for 30+ years. Whatever you hear about what happens in the classroom is true and believe me you don't hear about 90% of it. Kids have mouths like sailors (the girls too), I have had (and have)felons in my classes, pregnant girls, you name it. Parents (or parent) are worse because they enable the student and created the situation in the first place. Many parents not only expect schools to teach their children but to raise them as well. There. I feel better now.
  9. saw a poster one time featuring a knock down gorgeous semi clad girl. Under the picture it said: "Somewhere some guy is sick of her sh*t" I think it applies here
  10. I'll bet the next time the kid goes to a movie he doesnt pull that cr@p
  11. Yeah, it's not like he murdered his ex-wife and her boyfriend
  12. I've been to the Baltimore Aquarium, it's worth the trip
  13. Q. why do dogs lick their testicles? A. because they can Q why does flatulence smell? A, so deaf people can enjoy them too
  14. Didnt this show used to be a talent show and not Howard Stern's soliloquizing
  15. Man tells is friend "I think my wife is dead" friend replies "How do you know?" Mana replies "Well the sex is the same but the dishes are piling up"
  16. Davie, Florida. 5 minutes from the DOlfelon training facility
  17. Anyone know if the show ROmper Room is archived anywhere on line? I'm looking without much success. Specifically the show in Buffalo during the late 50's
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