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Everything posted by dib

  1. What manure. I even told my cousin Anastasia that.
  2. Every Vince Vaughn movie is the same. Maybe they'll remake the Adams Family
  3. All of a sudden I cant access my books on the Nook color, everything else is OK. Any ideas?
  4. On local news tonight Ocho was asked what he'd do if he didn't make the Dolfelons, said he would go into Porn.
  5. I................uh...........um............never mind
  6. There's 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back
  7. Why is her head asymmetrical?
  8. Consider yourselves fortunate, I never knew either of my grandfathers.
  9. I have an 80 in tv, and a surroound system so I dont go to movies either. Oh, and a concealed weapons permit.
  10. still looking, thanks for the help. The Miller Mich ST. jersey is cool but a bit pricey
  11. Ground Bison, the rest is immaterial
  12. Ground Bison, the rest is immaterial
  13. Tried all the usual places. ANybody know of a place that sells reasonably priced autographed jerseys? Looking for one for my son.
  14. Thank You And thank you boys, because so many that died for our independence, were boys.
  15. Just got back from visiting my daughter, and I had to take a plane to do it. Havent flown in years and I was scared poopless at the prospect. We even flew through tropical storm Debby. It was OK. I'm back. Could there be a Bills home game in my future?
  16. From the mountains............................
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