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Everything posted by dib

  1. Starship Troopers was a bad movie adaptation of a good book
  2. Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one, and everybody thinks everyone else's stinks.
  3. Oh, and Objective Burma Zulu Dawn Battle L.A. The Beast Aliens War of theWorlds (the original)
  4. Hmm, I have a bunch: 30 seconds over tokyo fury zulu drums along the mohawk they were expendable in harms way the longest day the great escape the 300 spartans (NOT 300) battle of Britain memphis belle bridges at toko ri the enemy below the last of the mohicans the bridge on the river kwai farewell to the king i'm sure i've forgotten one or two
  5. Yes, you wouldn't want an amateurscription
  6. We have a new Holy Grail. I'm pretty much over "Tommy"
  7. 15th st. Fisheries Lazy Days
  8. Waited a week for the big battle and this is what we get?
  9. Dell, rhymes with Hell. I had one once, never again.
  10. You don't bring a knife to an suv fight.
  11. I logged in from a laptop, its the iPad thats giving me grief.
  12. How can i get hold of an admin?
  13. Been using the same email/id combo for years. I'll check the spam Can a moderator help me recover my password?
  14. My wife bought me an iPad for Christmas. When I try to log on to 2Bills, it requires my password. Well apparently I have forgotten it. When I try to reset/recover it I'm supposed to get an email within 10 minutes. So far no joy. And yes it's more than 10 minutes. Can anyone help?
  15. First Han Solo, now Ragnar? This is madness!
  16. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals
  17. Carol of the Bells
  18. There is no such thing as 'too busty'
  19. she looks like there should be bats or flying monkeys over her head
  20. He already turned the Bills down once.
  21. Another version: kidnapped relative.
  22. I'd like to fill her house.
  23. My mother installed landing lights in the P-40, my dad served in the CBI theater of war Little known fact: between Curtiss and Bell, Buffalo was something like the tenth largest center of combat aircraft production in the world during World War 2. (It would have been larger, except Consolidated moved to Southern California in the mid-30s.) And most of the aircraft produced went to the Soviet Union. And Curtiss made some of the worst planes of the war, as well. The SB3C Helldiver killed the company (the Navy refused to buy any planes from Curtiss post-war, because of that fiasco). The SO3C Seamew was so stupid-awful it was funny.
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