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Everything posted by dib

  1. water is nearly incompressable, from that height it's like hitting concrete.
  2. I cant tell youhow deep the water is but I can tell you how cold it is
  3. I wish I was a tall basketball player so I didnt have to go to college to earn a living.
  4. Kind of like the Miracle at Rich. Nevertheless you have a snapshot of the professional fans here in Habana Norte
  5. Where will Maximus, Commodus and Proximo play?
  6. well at least you wont chase cars and chew slippers anymore
  7. Yesterday, I could not spell:student. Now I are one.
  8. he's a highschool drop out making 122,000$ per year. nice.
  9. The Lancaster was an awesome bomber, better in some aspects than the B-24/B-17 (perhaps not defensively) also versatile enough to skip bomb (the Dam Busters)
  10. if you want another perspective read :6 Armies in Normandy by John Keegan
  11. The axis picked the wrong bunch of kids to start a fight with.
  12. should have blown his brains out years ago
  13. without that 'sideshow' could the Russians have prevailed? and how can you diminish the Allies sacrifice on D-Day?
  14. Told my daughter in Oklahoma that we're under tornado watch in So. Fla. She laughed at me.
  15. Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade toward which we have striven these many months. Thank You boys. Thank You Uncle Ray 4th Armored Cavalry
  16. I had a fish ripped in half by a Barracuda once. I can honestly say that once I caught 1/2 of a fish
  17. I used to like it when Buffalo street names were used on Hill Street Blues. Twilight Zone used to mention Buffalo a lot also.
  18. Ever notice that you don't see any dogs or cats around taco bell dumpsters
  19. Who brings a pipe and a hammer to a kindergarten graduation. oh, and graduating from kindergarten? Really?
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