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Everything posted by dib

  1. Lettuce among other veggies is kind of like drano for your GI tract
  2. It bothers me that there are characters in The Hobbit, that don't belong there.
  3. Last week-end it was "Play-offs!, Superbowl!, we're undefeated!" They didn't even mention the Dolphins on the news this morning.
  4. what a whack job
  5. It's a shame they screwed up a really good book, (in which by the way Dizzy is a guy). Anyway, Carmen.
  6. I think we went to the same high school
  7. Of course the news people here are filling their pants, constantly referring to the "Undefeated Dolphins". This morning they actually referenced going to the Superbowl. I almost threw up in my mouth a little.
  8. self of steam? What?
  9. Canada, America's attic.
  10. Which bathroom does it use in school?
  11. why does the bowling ball have a cage on it?
  12. I'll bet the Iranian pilot piddled in his g-suit.
  13. I wonder if she has any ball handling ability. What?
  14. the little bastages do stuff like this because they know they will get away with it because mommy will protect them
  15. Maybe they were in his house because they knew he was in Florida
  16. Urinated carpet? How does one urinate a carpet? Is that like pea green paint?
  17. Hmmm, Australia. Funnel web spiders, Box Jellyfish, great white sharks, blue ringed octopus, poisonous mammal. sure. why not?
  18. and yet he seems to be enjoying it
  19. sex with a 15 year old, must be terrific for 20-30 seconds.
  20. some things I don't understand 1. He was having sex with a woman and he wants to be a dancer 2. She was having sex with a 15 year old. 3. He's a 'victim' 4. How do you 'rape' a willing partner?
  21. I love to go swimmin with bowlegged women
  22. If she's such a hot prospect : 1. Why did her date back out 2. Why didnt someone else ask her to the game without her having to be pimped on Craigslist. oh, and. 21-16
  23. Dolfelon fans are hysterical, 2 wins and they're talking play-offs.
  24. she has the 2 credentials she needs to be a model.
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