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Everything posted by dib

  1. Are you sure it wasn't a teacher from Whales and not Wales?
  2. They can always use hot air, there's an abundance in Washington D.C.
  3. Sterilize them both before they have a chance to reproduce.
  4. I agree 100%. He's releasing the ball too early in his arc.
  5. So, if she had been hit in the back of the head................
  6. How can you beat a tailgate where there's a hot tub in the middle of winter?
  7. Hmmm, this makes me want to do the time warp................again.
  8. nothing more attractive than a drunken chick with her tongue stuck out and flipping the bird(s) his brakes failed?
  9. So after this week the Bills go 9-7?
  10. I was given tickets for free to the Panthers game tomorrow. I'm not going. They were free and I'm still not going. To quote John McKay when he was asked what he thought of his teams' execution. "I'm all for it."
  11. I hate it when there's little room for my meat.
  12. Probably because she's a high maintenance pain in the @ss
  13. I always preferred Hydrox, but the chocolate covered Oreos aren't shabby.
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