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Everything posted by dib

  1. I was a senior at U. Miami, we had snow one day. Yes, snow.
  2. I've watched since season 1. Cant wait for it to return
  3. I've watched since season 1. Cant wait for it to return
  4. This picture has been sent to Oklahoma and Tallahassee
  5. here in Habana Norte people are pooping their rompers, "The warm up will start tomorrow" What a bunch of wusses.
  6. I've been in So. Florida for 34 years and my most similar cities were Buffalo and Rochester.
  7. I live 10 minutes from the Dolphin training facility, sucks being around all the bandwagoners
  8. The quote is from Socrates. This is the way things have always been, it is the way they will always be. No it will be this way because we allow it. There are no consequences. Mommy will fix it.
  9. a mammal without external genitalia
  10. According to 610 WIOD is against "soft opposition". Did you hear that Bills? You're soft!
  11. because life is like a poop sandwich, the more bread you have the less poop you eat.
  12. If i captioned this picture I'd be banned from the board for life
  13. So next it's pens and sharpened pencils
  14. Excellent job Mr. BB. and Mrs. BB. Stories like this are few and far between nowadays.
  15. re. BBT when Sheldon is sitting at his lap top, there is a Darth Vader mug in front of the lap top. I sent it to them.
  16. I'm sure they're positively glowing about their accomplishment.
  17. every time someone says "Happy Holidays" to me I respond with "Merry Christmas"
  18. Well, if we're going off base with christmas movies: Battleground Battle of the Bulge both take place over.........................
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