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Everything posted by dib

  1. Duck Season!
  2. Anybody see the chick flipping the bird when the Hurricanes scored their first goal?
  3. Yes they did but they charged too much and were stuck with tons (literally) of wings
  4. there's a little boogie, riiiiiiiiight there.
  5. check out the animals in winter photos
  6. Another sad day.
  7. is proposing a 15 yard penalty for use of the "N" word. So I guess M-F and C-S**ker and all the others are still good to go.
  8. Le'ts eat grandpa. Let's eat, grandpa
  9. Who is Ellen Page?
  10. Someone stole her boobs
  11. Make snow women for the snow men.
  12. Is one of the boys named Oedipus?
  13. She should have stopped saying: "I'm going to get you my pretty!"
  14. All the "boys" need is some boobs to complete the transition
  15. Oh NO! Chewbaca! Say it isn't so!
  16. A little nervous after the previews. I can only wonder why Art Punches Givens. I have an idea though.
  17. Squeal like a......................... never mind
  18. the teeth, the teeth, watch the teeth!
  19. They couldn't make it to a bedroom, or a couch, or...............a floor?
  20. I cant download it, what was it?
  21. and pass the ammunition!
  22. Anybody use, or have knowledge of those little gizmos that you wear on your wrist and they track heart rate blood pressure, etc. I know Nike makes a wrist band and I'm looking for some insider information.
  23. If jail happens i will buy you a beer
  24. What are the consequences of probation violation, and no, it's not me.
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