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Everything posted by dib

  1. even sold at 2$ a piece............... how can we get this out to the 'boarders'
  2. same charges as the ones he was on parole for. Without going into too much detail he's a repeat offender. Listed as a career criminal.
  3. 1. They go to school for free 2. They have free tutors 3. Training table is better than anything the average student gets to eat, even though the "student athlete" is not supposed to be afforded anything the average student has available to them. 4. Where does the money come from that pays for the tats, the Oakleys and the gold? 5. They are given 'jobs' I'm sure they're already being paid. And don't give me that argument "They're bringing in money for the university" Of course they are and so are the students that have to pay tuition. The majority of these athletes wouldn't even be attending college if it weren't for their athletics.
  4. With all the rubberized wristbands with various slogans, would it be possible to get one made that said "Kelly Tough"? I'm sure proceeds could be donated to Hunter's Hope.
  5. shes stupid too. My felon nieghbor was arrested again which violated 4 parole counts . His penalty? Parole. Of course he does have a calendar date for his most recent arrest. I laugh when on the news some bad guy is arrrested with "a lengthy crimnal record". I kind of miss the old Wild West where justice was swift and terminal.
  6. Jim is in tough shape as his cancer has returned. Take a moment and say a prayer for him.
  7. there are a few parts of speech I wouldn't mind teaching her.
  8. there are a few parts of speech I wouldn't mind teaching her.
  9. Sharks "attacks" aren't always attacks. A territorial shark will go through a process that includes raking the victim with the teeth of the upper jaw. The shark does not bite (yet) and remove flesh and sever arteries and veins. Yet people will misconstrue this as an attack.
  10. No Mosquitoes and we lose the revolution. Dragonflies eat mosquitoes, frogs eat dragonflies, french eat frogs, french helped us during the revolution.
  11. Hmmm, no specific study was cited. This coming from a country where dental hygiene is a whimsy.
  12. When they sit around the apartment, they sit around the apartment.
  13. I finally caught the first episode, kind of lost it with the cartoons
  14. you write about being a drunk.
  15. It's big, it's magnificent, it's a survivor. It could produce boars possibly it's own size. Let's kill it.
  16. Yes. Absolutely, Yes.
  17. Is air fare included?
  18. I'd like to have a look at the basement.
  19. His parents will say the ref misunderstood. Their son "didn't mean to do it
  20. Says the Dolfelons are targeting Byrd
  21. No biggee, I've been living with Aliens for years What?
  22. communist
  23. I've always said P*ss on the Gators
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