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Everything posted by dib

  1. I guess I'm just in a 'bitchy' mood after Frances and waiting on Ivan.
  2. Oh God please tell me you meant 'accept'
  3. Apparantley you've never been to Brennans.
  4. DIB here. Shingles lost, and the tree in my front yard did it's best to uproot itself and the driveway, but it held on. I found out that while treating my shutter gash that I'm allergic to Neosporin, so it's back to alcohol (I put some on my leg too). Dish is back up and hopefully it can stay up ( are you listening Ivan?). I hope to be able to see the Bills this Sunday because that means that Ivan won't bounce us. Hopefully as they say "Third time is a charm". However- I still have my shutters up.
  5. I'm here in 'das bunker' lights are flickering and I', wondering if the trree out front is going to uproot. B*tch Frances made me take down the dish and I missed the bills game. Impotant thing is that we're all safe, except for me because i dropped a load of shutters on my leg and gashed it. Jim Beam however has helped to anesthtize it.
  6. I agree about the alive part. This will sound like a stupid question- is that tape of the full game? I only have a partial game tape here and I didnt make a dvd yet. If it's the full game if you can send it back I'll make a dvd, and send it back to you with some others added yet
  7. First I spend two days buttoning up, then I have to take down my dish so I cant see the Bills, I gash my leg with shutters, AND they moved the FSU-Miami game. I would have preferred a blizzard. Good luck to us Florida Bills fans. Stay hunkered down.
  8. You guys should get the book called Backyard Ballistics. The author's name escapes me but I know they have it at Barnes and Noble. It will let you build your own little arsenal of democracy out of easily obainable items.
  9. Its not war, its terrorism. Apparantley after this episode the Russian president feels differently
  10. I guess you're right, so if you see me walking down the street carrying a shotgun, think nothing of it.
  11. You dont make war on women and children. I hope Russia sends the Spetznaz after these b@stards
  12. Again I ask, how do you know he was going to bring them to school? Did he admit that he was going to? Maybe he was going to bring them into the woods and light them off like kids do (did?) with M80s? I havn't heard anything past the initial arrest, so if you have local links, I'd like to read 'em. I just about fell out of my chair with this one. Normally I dont use movies as a source for quotes but this response from a dirty harry movie comes to mind: "How did you know that he intended to rape her?" "He was naked with a hard on, and he was chasing her with a knife" I guess you cuold use your argument- How could you be sure what his intent was. Light them off like kids do? How many kids do you know set off pipe bombs in the woods? Do you remember the video tapes of the Columbine kids? They practiced their craft.....in the woods, before the Columbine massacre.
  13. Well today I'm turning my house into the bunker. Shutters going up, potential projectiles being brought in. Personally I'd have preferred a blizzard.
  14. I'm west of Fort Lauderdakle- right by Felon camp. No one really knows where it's going yet, but it's going to be a big b*tch wherever it comes ashore. My shutters start going up today.
  15. Even when Drew goes out Lets hope he does that under his own power.
  16. All right so I broke down and thought about getting a new away jersey. Mine is 14 years and and well, it must have shrunk or something. Anyway, I thoought, let me price an authentic jersey. 240 whopping buckaroos. 60$ for a replica. Hmmmm, maybe I can still get into my old #50 after all.
  17. I cant get caa caa here at work, I'll have to try and sign up at home
  18. History has shown that the team that remains the most injury free goes the deepest into the play-offs. Uh oh.
  19. Seeing s how I dont get any Bills news down here, what's the bottom line on Brown? And somebody mentioned an injury to Vincent. Anybody have an ear to the ground out there?
  20. The only 'dream team'm that I ever saw was the 1980 Hockey team. I cant stand this pro's in the olympics crap. And yes that goes for the 'amateur' pros from other countries too.
  21. If they do, al I have to say is- Tactical........Nuclear........Weapon
  22. You whacked your root? Wont that put hair on your palms? What?
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