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Everything posted by dib

  1. Well if I'm a terrorist I know how I'M getting onti the country. Talk about the tail wagging the dog.
  2. Polar bear Shmoalr bear, I just want to see the Brunette take another bath.
  3. I even got cooler stuff and I'm not even a season ticket holder.
  4. I guess he got clocked. What?
  5. Only of he can block the right defensive end. Or the left defensive end. Or..........
  6. I'm sure they would give it all the attention it deserves.
  7. I'm going to try and put in a split backfield (McGahee/Henry) and run a double screen out of it.
  8. Over the course of a year or two I assembled my own, and I wont watch a DVD wqithout it. My family knows when I have the sub woofer cooking because they can 'feel' it in the garage when they come home.
  9. does this mean a national television audience?
  10. grabb@ss. I work someplace where I cant use this term and I'm stuck for a substitute.
  11. Probably for the same reason California ( or Kalee-fowah-nee-ah) has buildings that go boom in an earthquake. Some of the buildings are old and pre-andrew.
  12. He's a radio announcer on WQAM Last name Mandich. He played TE for the Dolfelons, and except for that sound bite he's really not that bad on the radio
  13. http://firedavewannstedt.com/ The worm has turned.
  14. Most radio callers are saying "Don't go- boycott the games". The Felons also lost Gordon for the year. Feely is starting again, so I'm hoping he ups his two interception per game average. All in all things are not so swell down here in Habana Norte, land of the cockroach.
  15. A while ago someone marketed a hat with no brim. Which basically is what a backwards hat look like from most views. It never became popular. Odd. Besides the sideways hat, the upside down visors also gets me laughing.
  16. If you can get Jimmy Buffett and the Coral reefers by all means do so, you'll have a riot.
  17. I agree, I find it especially nauseating when I see a baby boomer with hat reversed, 'diamond' earring in place, and the latest tattoo. There's a time to stop being 16.
  18. I knid of like Mannheim Steamroller myself.
  19. Once I went to a hallowwen party dressed as a sperm with money stuck all over me. I was a (drum roll please)....................sperm bank.
  20. There has been a movement here for quite a while to get rid of Whinestadt. I would be amazed if he turns it around and/or is rehired.
  21. I'm sucking the big one so far. Must.....resist........family board...........getting faint....... Whew, that one was hard to swallow what?
  22. Yes but I'm really tired of aluminum (as in shutters). More tree stuff but we held power again. I think if there's a number 5 it's going to get really ugly down here.
  23. What about Hockey rink/swim pool combos?
  24. Yes because misery loves company. Anyway, on the radio this morning Zach Thomas said he wouldnt buy a ticket to see the Dolphins play either.
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